1. The product is a complex product and you should exercise caution in relation to the product. Structured products are investment products. Structured products are complex in nature and may involve derivatives.

  2. Investors should not make an investment decision based on this marketing material alone.

  3. The investment decision is yours. Where an intermediary is involved in a sale, you should not invest unless they have confirmed to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.

  4. We have not provided any advice on the source of funds for the investment, including (i) new fund (ii) switching out / redemption of existing product(s), if applicable, this is solely based on your decision.

  5. Our assessment on product suitability is based on information provided by you and you are responsible for ensuring such information is complete, accurate, up-to-date and not misleading so our assessment is not adversely affected. We will not assume any responsibility for information provided by you.

  6. The offering documents of the private placement notes provided by the issuer have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong, and you are advised to exercise caution in relation to the offer.

  7. The private placement notes is available to Professional Investors only.

  8. The offering documents are not intended to provide tax, legal or other advice. If you are in any doubt, you should obtain independent professional advice.

  9. Investment involves risk and past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the offering documents for further details, including product features, fees and charges, and risk factors.

  10. Autocallable Fixed Coupon Structured Note (i.e. Fixed Coupon Note) is NOT equivalent to time deposit. It is a structured products involving derivatives.

  11. The product is not principal protected, you could lose all of your investment in extreme cases. The product is also not covered by the Investor Compensation Fund.

  12. Buying this product is not the same as buying the reference asset(s). Changes in the market price of reference asset(s) may not lead to a corresponding change in the market value of the product.

  13. The maximum return on termination of this product is limited to the nominal amount together with all periodic cash coupon paid during the scheduled tenor. You are exposed to change in the market price of the reference asset or the worst performing asset of the basket of reference assets during the scheduled tenor.

  14. If the settlement currency is not your home currency, you may make a gain or loss due to exchange fluctuations.

  15. Since this product is not listed on any stock exchange, there is no liquid secondary market, you must be prepared to invest in the product for the entire scheduled tenor, or may suffer significant loss.

  16. If the autocall condition is satisfied, the product will be terminated and no further cash amount will be payable. You may not be able to enjoy the same rate of return if you re-invest in other investments.

  17. If you invest in a product linked to a basket of reference assets, you are facing a higher risk than a product linked to a single reference asset as the autocall , etc will be determined by the worst performing asset of the basket of reference assets.

  18. You have no rights in the reference asset. If the issuer becomes insolvent or defaults on its obligations under the product, you can only claim as an unsecured creditor of the issuer.

  19. The longer the time gap between trade date and issue date of the product, the longer you will be exposed to the market risks and price movement of the reference asset.

  20. There may be conflicts of interest between issuer, its subsidiaries and its affiliates, which maybe adverse to your interests in the product. Issuer will endeavor to comply with applicable laws and regulations to minimise and manage such conflicts of interest. In the worst case scenario, you could lose all of your investment and any interest.