盧曼科技(Lumen Technologies,股票代碼:LUMN)公佈了季度每股收益(EPS)爲0.09美元,此數據比分析師一致預期的-0.05美元高出280%。與去年同期每股收益0.08美元相比增長了12.5%。公司報告季度銷售額爲33.29億美元,高於分析師一致預期的32億美元,增幅爲4.04%。但相比去年同期的35.17億美元,銷售額下降了5.35%。
以上內容來自Benzinga Earnings專欄,原文如下:
Lumen Technologies (NYSE:LUMN) reported quarterly earnings of $0.09 per share which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $(0.05) by 280 percent. This is a 12.5 percent increase over earnings of $0.08 per share from the same period last year. The company reported quarterly sales of $3.329 billion which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $3.200 billion by 4.04 percent. This is a 5.35 percent decrease over sales of $3.517 billion the same period last year.