Radius Recycling第一季度收入未達預期,黑色金屬銷售下降拖累業績

Radius Recycling (NASDAQ:RDUS) 的股票週三下跌。公司在星期二報告的第一季度收入爲6.5654億美元,未達到6.656億美元的預期。 黑色金屬銷售量(千長噸)從去年同期的1,152千長噸下降至1,106千長噸;每噸黑色金屬的調整後EBITDA(美元/長噸)從去年的1美元降至零。 平均淨黑色金屬銷售價格(美元/長噸)從去年的354美元下降至338美元。成品鋼平均淨銷售價格(美元/短噸)爲775美元(去年爲831美元),銷售量(千短噸)爲125千短噸(去年同期爲129千短噸)。 非黑色金屬價格上漲12%,抵消了全球市場疲軟和中國鋼鐵出口量大的影響導致的黑色金屬價格下跌5%。 由於國內市場情況疲軟和價格下跌,成品鋼的貢獻減少。第一季度的計劃維護也導致了較低的軋鋼機利用率,影響了結算結果。 毛利從去年的3900萬美元下降至3300萬美元,調整後的EBITDA爲零,而去年同期爲100萬美元。 調整後的每股虧損爲1.33美元,而去年同期虧損爲0.64美元,也未達到預期的虧損0.10美元。 公司見證了因生產力提高和非黑色金屬需求增加而帶來的強勁回收金屬貢獻。 公司2025財年第一季度的經營現金流幾乎持平。季度末總債務爲4.45億美元,扣除現金後的淨債務爲4.30億美元。 董事會宣佈每股普通股派發現金股息0.1875美元,將於2025年2月18日支付給截至2025年2月3日的登記股東。 董事長兼首席執行官Tamara Lundgren表示,“我們預計庫存重建和季節性因素將在下半年推動需求改善。” “從長遠來看,在基礎設施投資增加(包括能源項目、工業回遷)、美國電弧爐鍊鋼能力的持續增長和向低碳技術轉型下,對回收金屬的需求保持正面。” 股價走勢:截至週三,RDUS股份下跌25.8%,報10.96美元。

以上內容來自Benzinga Earnings專欄,原文如下:

Radius Recycling, Inc. (NASDAQ:RDUS) shares are trading lower on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the company reported first-quarter revenue of $656.54 million, missing the consensus of $665.6 million.

Ferrous sales volumes (LT, in thousands) decreased to 1,106 from 1,152 a year ago; adjusted EBITDA per ferrous ton sold ($/LT) was nil compared to $1 in the prior year quarter.

Average net ferrous sales prices ($/LT) fell to $338 from $354 last year. Finished steel average net sales price ($/ST) came in at $775 (vs. 831 a year ago), and sales volumes (ST, in thousands) of 125 (vs. 129 in the comparable period).

Nonferrous prices rose 12%, offsetting a 5% decline in ferrous prices due to soft global markets and high Chinese steel exports.

Finished steel contribution fell due to weaker domestic conditions and a drop in prices. Lower mill utilization in the first quarter, from scheduled maintenance, also impacted results.

Gross margin declined to $33 million from $39 million a year ago, and adjusted EBITDA was nil, compared to $1 million a year ago.

Adjusted loss per share was $1.33 compared to a loss of $0.64 prior year, also missing the consensus loss of $0.10.

The company witnessed strong stronger recycled metals contribution driven by productivity gains and higher nonferrous demand.

The company’s operating cash flow was nearly break-even in the first quarter of fiscal 2025. Total debt stood at $445 million at the end of the quarter, and debt, net of cash, was $430 million.

Dividend: The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.1875 per common share, payable on February 18, 2025, to shareholders of record as of February 3, 2025. 

Tamara Lundgren, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said, “We expect inventory rebuilding and seasonality will drive improved demand in the second half of our fiscal year.”

“In the longer-term, the demand for recycled metals remains positive, underpinned by increased investments in infrastructure, including for energy projects, industrial reshoring, continued growth in U.S. electric arc furnace steelmaking capacity, and the transition to low-carbon technologies.”

Price Action: RDUS shares are trading lower by 25.8% at $10.96 at the last check Wednesday.

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