此外,伯克希爾哈撒韋宣佈在美國的Modelo和Corona啤酒銷售商Constellation Brands, Inc.(紐交所股票代碼:STZ)中建立了新的12億美元頭寸,並出售了其在Ulta Beauty的股份。
監管文件還顯示,伯克希爾增加了對多米諾披薩和Pool Corp.的投資,這是該公司三個月前披露的。
重要意義:伯克希爾哈撒韋的投資組合變化反映了公司的戰略投資決策。儘管出售其他科技股,但繼續投資蘋果表明對這家科技巨頭的信心。金融股的減少可能表明伯克希爾的投資策略發生變化,可能是由於市場條件的變化或對金融行業前景的重新評估。伯克希爾對Constellation Brands的新投資以及增加在多米諾披薩和Pool Corp.的頭寸,突顯了其多元化投資組合的興趣。
以上內容來自Benzinga Earnings專欄,原文如下:
Warren Buffett‘s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK) made significant adjustments to its portfolio in Q4 2024, reducing its investment in a number of stocks. However, its stake in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) remains unchanged, as revealed in the recent 13F filings.
What Happened: Berkshire Hathaway has continued to offload its shares in $Bank of America Corp(BAC-N)$. (NYSE:BAC), one of its largest holdings. The company also downsized its stake in $Citigroup Inc(C-N)$. (NYSE:C) and sold a portion of its investment in $Capital One Financial Corp(COF-N)$. (NYSE:COF).
In addition, Berkshire Hathaway announced a new $1.2 billion position in Constellation Brands, Inc. (NYSE:STZ), a U.S. seller of Modelo and Corona beer, and divested its shares of Ulta Beauty.
According to the report by Wall Street Journal, despite ongoing speculation, Berkshire Hathaway did not sell any of its 300 million Apple shares, which were valued at $75.1 billion as of December 31, 2024.
The regulatory filing also indicated that Berkshire increased its investments in Domino’s Pizza and Pool Corp., which it had previously disclosed three months ago.
Also Read: Warren Buffett’s Advice for Overpriced Stocks: ‘Zip up Your Wallet, Take a Vacation, and Come Back in a Few Years To Buy Stocks at Cheap Prices’
Investors are eagerly awaiting Buffett’s annual letter, set to be released on February 22, for insights into these recent trading decisions.
Why It Matters: The recent changes in Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio reflect the company’s strategic investment decisions. The continued investment in Apple, despite the sale of other tech stocks, suggests confidence in the tech giant’s performance.
The reduction in financial stocks could indicate a shift in Berkshire’s investment strategy, possibly due to changing market conditions or a reassessment of the financial sector’s future prospects. The new stake in Constellation Brands and increased positions in Domino’s Pizza and Pool Corp. highlight Berkshire’s interest in diversifying its portfolio.
The upcoming annual letter from Buffett will likely provide further clarity on these decisions.
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