Progressive 11月業績飆升:EPS上升49%,保費達60億美元

Progressive公司(NYSE: PGR)在週五的交易日表現強勁,受到11月強勁業績的推動。 該公司報告每股收益(EPS)爲1.71美元,比去年同期的1.15美元有顯著增長。當月淨保費總額爲55.63億美元,同比增長18%。 此外,淨已賺保費增長19%至60.4億美元,淨收入躍升48%,突顯了Progressive的強勁財務增長。 除了穩健的財務業績外,Progressive上個月宣佈推出其新的安全功能——事故響應(Accident Response),旨在提高客戶的安心度。 該功能在全國範圍內都可用,特別是隨着冬季的臨近,由於冰雪天氣,意外事故的風險增加,該功能的相關性更強。 根據聯邦公路管理局的數據,美國近70%的道路位於易雪地區,每年在溼滑道路上發生的事故超過11.6萬起。 事故響應使用電話傳感器檢測重大事故並及時通知駕駛員。如果檢測到碰撞,Progressive會主動聯繫提供幫助,如果駕駛員沒有響應,則會派遣緊急服務。此外,該應用程序還允許客戶快速請求緊急服務或拖車,Progressive會自動代爲提交索賠。 價格走勢:截至週五最新檢查,PGR股價上漲3.96%至252.37美元。 下一個新聞: SoFi爲零售投資者解鎖SpaceX曝光:具體操作方法

以上內容來自Benzinga Earnings專欄,原文如下:

Progressive Corporation (NYSE:PGR) saw a positive trading day on Friday, buoyed by strong November performance.

The company reported an earnings per share of $1.71, a significant increase from $1.15 in the same month last year. Net premiums written for the month totaled $5.563 billion, marking an 18% year-over-year increase.

Additionally, net premiums earned rose 19% to $6.04 billion, while net income jumped by 48%, highlighting Progressive’s strong financial growth.

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In addition to solid financial results, Progressive last month announced the launch of its new safety feature, Accident Response, aimed at enhancing customer peace of mind.

This feature, which is available nationwide, is particularly relevant as the winter season approaches, bringing with it an increased risk of accidents due to icy and snowy conditions.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, nearly 70% of U.S. roads are in areas prone to snowy conditions, contributing to over 116,000 annual vehicle crashes on slippery roads.

Accident Response uses phone sensors to detect significant accidents and promptly notifies the driver. If a crash is detected, Progressive reaches out to offer assistance, and if the driver is unresponsive, emergency services are dispatched. Additionally, the app allows customers to quickly request emergency services or a tow, with Progressive automatically submitting a claim on their behalf.

Price Action: PGR shares are trading higher by 3.96% to $252.37 at last check Friday.

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