Investors are likely to be monitoring the following small-cap stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
Synlait Milk (ASX:SM1, NZE:SML)
Synlait Milk completed the strategic review of its North Island assets, including its manufacturing facility in Pokeno and blending and canning facility in Auckland. The review found that switching between plant-based proteins and dairy hinders Pokeno plant's operational efficiency, and transportation and manufacturing costs make it financially unviable for the company to continue processing milk at Pokeno.
Kincora Copper (ASX:KCC)
Kincora Copper secured the Nyngan West, Nyngan South, and Nevertire South projects within the northern undercover extensions of the Macquarie Arc in New South Wales.
Geopacific Resources (ASX:GPR)
Geopacific Resources extended the maturity date of short-term bearer bonds on issue with Deutsche Balaton AG and 2Invest AG in exchange for a 4% prolongation fee. The extension will defer the bearer bond repayment date to Mar. 31, 2025, from Sept. 30.
Sipa Resources (ASX:SRI)
Sipa Resources completed the ground gravity program at the Barbwire Terrace project, a 50:50 joint venture with Buru Energy (ASX:BRU) in Western Australia. The program infilled the southeastern portion of the project and improved the understanding of the geology and location of the Fenton Fault.
Devex Resources (ASX:DEV)
DevEx Resources completed its reverse circulation and diamond drilling program at its Nabarlek uranium project in the Northern Territory. The program drilled 124 reverse circulation and 12 diamond holes for 24,300 meters and tested multiple uranium prospects along the U40 Fault and the Nabarlek Fault Corridor.
Firebrick Pharma (ASX:FRE)
Firebrick Pharma lodged a Marketing Authorization Application in Europe for the approval of its Nasodine nasal spray as a nasal antiseptic. The application is now in the evaluation phase.
Adacel Technologies (ASX:ADA)
Adacel Technologies will continue to deliver under the terms of the Federal Aviation Administration contract for tower simulation system support and technical refresh following a proposal review. The company's bid was re-evaluated by the FAA after a recommendation from the Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition.