Release Date: July 31, 2024
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you provide insights on the sequential growth expectations for MedTech, specialty audio, and precision devices? A: Jeffrey Niew, President and CEO, explained that the sequential growth is primarily from the non-CMM portion of the business, particularly in the Precision Device segment. MedTech and specialty audio are expected to see more pronounced growth in Q4 compared to Q3. The CMM business is expected to remain flat in Q3 but showed strong year-over-year growth in Q2.
Q: Is there any update on the potential sale of the consumer mass microphone (CMM) business? A: Jeffrey Niew stated that they are inching closer to a conclusion regarding the strategic alternatives for the CMM business. The business is expected to see significant year-over-year growth for the full year.
Q: Regarding the Cornell Dubilier (CD) acquisition, is the revenue target for 2024 still $135 million to $140 million? A: John Anderson, CFO, confirmed that the revenue target remains unchanged, and they are on track to achieve $26 million in EBITDA for the year. Synergies from the acquisition are larger than expected, contributing to faster margin improvements.
Q: How is the pricing environment across your business segments? A: Jeffrey Niew noted that pricing in the MedTech and specialty audio segments is stable, with modest price increases in the Precision Devices segment. The CMM business, particularly in mobile, faces pricing challenges, but outside of mobile, pricing remains stable.
Q: Can you discuss the goodwill impairment in the CMM segment and its implications? A: John Anderson explained that a goodwill impairment charge of $249 million was recorded due to the likelihood that the fair value of the CMM reporting unit was below its carrying value, following a strategic review of the business.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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