0247 GMT - The inflation dragon is pretty much slain in Asia-Pacific, Goldman Sachs says in a research note. Headline inflation moved lower across most of the region in September, reflecting easing in energy prices in some jurisdictions, it adds. Overall CPI inflation, measured on a year-over-year basis, is now back within target or historical bands in all APAC economies, GS says. Still, core CPI inflation remains modestly above pre-Covid levels in most of the region, and above target in a few small, high-income economies such as Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, it adds. Still, China and Thailand continue to report headline and core CPI inflation well below 1% on a year-over-year basis, GS notes. (james.glynn@wsj.com; @JamesGlynnWSJ)
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
October 24, 2024 22:47 ET (02:47 GMT)
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