Release Date: November 07, 2024
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you provide insights on the market penetration of 101 compared to Arikayce and its potential market size? Also, how does the phase one data for 201 inform the phase 2/3 design? A: Michael Castagna, CEO: For 101, we aim to displace Arikayce in refractory populations due to better administration and tolerability. We're finalizing the formulation and plan to introduce a dry powder form for earlier treatment lines. For 201, the phase one study confirmed minimal GI side effects and no adverse reactions, setting the stage for a dose range finding study as per FDA's preliminary comments.
Q: What differentiates MNKD 201 from other inhaled versions of the drug, and did you compare its PK with the oral formulation? A: Michael Castagna, CEO: We are positioned to move quickly into patient trials with a dry powder formulation. Our differentiation lies in our dry powder expertise, similar to Tyvaso DPI's success. We measured plasma PK to triangulate with animal models, and the data is still being analyzed.
Q: Can you elaborate on the adverse event profile seen in the phase one trial for inhaled clofazimine, particularly regarding FEV1 drop and cough events? A: Michael Castagna, CEO: There were no significant concerns with FEV1 drops, and no discontinuations occurred. The FEV1 testing frequency might have contributed to irritation, but there was no consistent pattern of adverse events between the control and active arms.
Q: What is the economic value proposition for patients and physicians to choose MNKD 101 over Arikayce or oral clofazimine in NTM treatment? A: Michael Castagna, CEO: MNKD 101 offers reduced systemic side effects like skin discoloration and QT prolongation, with better lung concentration. The dosing schedule of 28 days on and 56 days off reduces patient burden and copay costs, providing a compelling economic and clinical value.
Q: How is MannKind planning to expand the commercial footprint of Afrezza, especially with upcoming pediatric label and inhaled data? A: Michael Castagna, CEO: We focus on deepening relationships with current prescribers rather than broadening. We plan to introduce MSLs in 2025 to engage academic centers and address safety perceptions. The recent Inhale 3 data will be published soon, and we aim to leverage it for broader market education.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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