Bastion picks up historic samples grading up to 9.88% Cu from ICE Copper project in Canada

The Market Herald

Bastion Minerals Ltd (ASX:BMO) has identified copper grades as high as 7.15% and 9.88% – both at shallow depths – through the reassessment of historic drill core at its ICE Copper Project in Canada’s Yukon Territory.

Having found more than 10,000 metres of historic drill core, Bastion began testing it in a two-stage sampling process, with results from the first (smaller) batch yielding assays such as 10.98 metres at 7.15% copper (Cu) and 5.31 metres at 9.88% Cu, with both being taken from around 90 metres in depth.

Historical intersections at the play have included 5.31 metres at 9.88% Cu, 0.37 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au), 16 g/t silver (Ag) and 0.19% cobalt (Co) from 88.57 metres in one hole; and 10.98 metres at 7.15% Cu, 0.57 g/t Au, 25 g/t Ag and 0.14% Co from 90.02 metres in another, among others.

Bastion intends to continue reporting sampling results, with this work building towards achievement of a JORC compliant mineral resource estimate, with its current foreign (non-JORC) resource estimated at 4.56 million tonnes (Mt) at 1.48% Cu.

The achievement of a JORC resource is expected in the first quarter of 2025.

Executive chairman Ross Landles said he was pleased with the sampling results.

“It’s fantastic to receive these initial results, confirming the tenor of the historical mineralisation with a staggering interval of 10.98m @ 7.15% Cu from just 90m,” he said.

“Re-assaying 10% of the mineralised intervals in the deposit will provide us with a high level of confidence regarding the original sampling, assaying and non-JORC foreign resource estimate.

“It will also provide us with additional information on the gold mineralisation.”

Bastion has been trading at 0.7 cents.

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