Release Date: November 06, 2024
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you discuss the investment capacity and potential earnings growth as you shift more to offense with high liquidity and low leverage? A: Jeffrey Dimodica, President: Our investment capacity depends on moving assets out of nonaccrual or REO, which would create earnings capacity. With our current leverage at 2.1 times, for every dollar of equity issued, we could issue $2.1 of debt. Our historic ROE has been 12% to 13%, and if we can put new capital out at 12%, we make 500 basis points. Our goal is to grow and offset nonaccruals, with a significant pipeline and less competition from banks.
Q: How does increasing the mix of unsecured debt impact earnings and cost of funds? A: Jeffrey Dimodica, President: We have accordion repo lines, allowing us to pay down the most expensive debt first. If we issue more high-yield debt at favorable rates, it could lead to positive carry when fully invested. Our goal is to increase unsecured debt to achieve a ratings upgrade, which would align with our low leverage strategy.
Q: What are your views on the impact of long-term treasury rates on commercial real estate recovery? A: Jeffrey Dimodica, President: Higher long-term rates could impact cap rates and refinancing, but a stronger economy could offset these challenges by boosting leasing and rents. We focus on maintaining hedges and matching assets and liabilities to manage interest rate risks.
Q: How do you balance capital allocation between infrastructure loans and commercial real estate lending? A: Jeffrey Dimodica, President: While commercial real estate is currently less than 60% of our book, we are open to increasing it if relative value is favorable. We have pivoted our strategy over the years, and currently, energy infrastructure offers attractive returns. However, the CRE market's scale suggests it will remain a significant part of our business.
Q: How do you decide between modifying, selling, or foreclosing on loans in the portfolio? A: Jeffrey Dimodica, President: Our decision is based on optimizing shareholder value, considering asset improvement potential and market timing. We have the liquidity to make decisions without being forced into unfavorable sales or modifications, allowing us to protect and maximize value.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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