Release Date: November 14, 2024
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you provide insights on the current production volumes and whether they represent a new standard for the company? A: (Dave Harris, CEO) While we don't provide specific guidance, the current production volumes are adequate for the business. The increase is due to the development at the GNO property, and these volumes are now normalizing. This is a standard level of production for us with the current supply chain setup.
Q: Why did the live cattle pricing underperform compared to the benchmark in this half? A: (Dave Harris, CEO) The discrepancy is due to a mix of factors. We experienced a good wet season last year, delaying some live sales. The result reflects a mix of different cattle categories sold throughout the year. A full-year view is needed for a more balanced perspective.
Q: How have Wagyu prices been performing since the year-end? A: (Dave Harris, CEO) We've seen a 17% decrease in Wagyu meat sales prices, which is significant. However, compared to market drops of 25-35%, our performance is relatively strong, thanks to our brand value and global distribution network.
Q: What is the company's plan for the obsolete abattoirs south of Katherine, NT? A: (Dave Harris, CEO) We are reviewing strategic alternatives for the Livingstone plant. We see strategic value in it and are maintaining it for potential future operations if conditions improve. A strategic review is ongoing to determine the best course of action.
Q: With a high net tangible asset value versus share price, is a share buyback being considered? A: (Glenn Stedman, CFO) Currently, a share buyback is not being considered. We believe investing funds back into the business is the best way to grow shareholder value and ensure stable returns in the future.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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