** JonesTrading raises PT on drug developer Monopar Therapeutics MNPR.O to $37 from $9
** Brokerage says MNPR signed agreement with AstraZeneca AZN.L unit Alexion for exclusive worldwide licensing of ALXN-1840 for the treatment of Wilson's disease
** Wilson's disease is a rare genetic condition that causes the buildup of copper to toxic levels
** JonesTrading says ALXN-1840 has the potential to give MNPR a steady cash flow to fund other development efforts
** Brokerage reiterates "buy" rating; PT of $37 is ~94.6% upside on stock's last close
** All of three brokerages rate the stock "buy"; their median PT is $23 - LSEG data
** As of last close, stock up ~1,017.6% YTD
(Reporting by Prakhar Srivastava in Bengaluru)