Miramar Resources uncovers proof of multiple mineralisation styles at Chain Pool

  • Miramar Resources’ rock chip sampling has extended the strike of mineralisation at the Joy Helen prospect
  • Sampling also uncovers copper in the dolerite dyke of the 755Ma Mundine Well Suite
  • Results pending for grid soil geochemical survey over the Joy Helen prospect

Special Report: Miramar Resources’ rock chip sampling has extended mineralisation at the Joy Helen prospect and added evidence that its Chain Pool project in WA’s Gascoyne region could host multiple mineralisation styles.

The sampling work, carried out as part of grid soil survey and reconnaissance rock chip sampling that was started following the grant of Exploration Licence E08/3676, increased the strike length of high-grade copper, silver and lead mineralisation at Joy Helen to over 400m.

It also recorded the first significant gold result of 0.8g/t gold at the northern end of the prospect while a single historical rock chip in within the Barlee Range Nature Reserve indicates that mineralisation could be present over a total strike length of almost 1km of which ~700m is outside the Nature Reserve.

Joy Helen sits in the eastern half of Chain Pool, which straddles the boundary between the Gascoyne province and the Edmund Basin.

The western half of the tenement covers a granitoid intrusion of the Durlacher Supersuite, which is the same unit that hosts the Yangibana and Yin rare earths deposits, while the eastern half covers sediments of the Edmund Basin intruded by 1465Ma dolerite sills.

The Chain Pool project showing recent and historical rock chips. Pic: Miramar Resources

Multiple mineralisation styles

Significantly for Miramar Resources (ASX:M2R), reconnaissance rock chip sampling over the wider project area also discovered copper mineralisation within a dolerite dyke of the 755Ma Mundine Well Suite.

This is same geological unit that hosts the Money intrusion at Dreadnought Resources’ (ASX:DRE) Mangaroon project with executive chairman Allan Kelly noting it was indicative for Chain Pool having the potential to host multiple mineralisation styles.

The 45km-long Money Intrusion contains high tenor nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE sulphide mineralisation.

“There is potential for a significant strike length of shallow high-grade copper-lead-silver and gold mineralisation at Joy Helen which has not been effectively explored previously,” Kelly said.

“In addition, we have also proved the existence of copper sulphide mineralisation within dolerite dykes which crosscut the project.”

Further activity

M2R is currently waiting on results from a grid soil geochemical survey that covers the Joy Helen prospect outside the Nature Reserve.

Once this is received, it intends to carry out infill soil sampling at Joy Helen if required and start permitting for a maiden aircore drill program at the prospect.

The company also intends to carry out further systematic rock chip sampling of the Mundine Well dolerite dykes.

This article was developed in collaboration with Miramar Resources, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.

This article does not constitute financial product advice. You should consider obtaining independent advice before making any financial decisions.

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