Resource Development Group posts 5.48Mt update for Ant Hill manganese project

The Market Herald

Resource Development Group Ltd (ASX:RDG) has provided an update to the mineral resource estimate (MRE) for its Ant Hill manganese project in Western Australia, reporting a tonnage increase from 3.1 million tonnes (Mt) to 8.58 million tonnes.

Of that total, 4.48Mt is in the indicated category – with 17.88% manganese, 25.97% iron, and 23.66% silicon dioxide – with an additional 4.10Mt in the inferred category (with 18% manganese, 24.7% iron and 25.2% silicon dioxide).

The project – close to Nullagine in WA’s northwest – has yet to be fully drilled across the mesa outcrop which forms the basis of its deposit, but the company expects that similar grades are likely to be found in undrilled areas.

RDG said that the increase in tonnage was partly due to the fact that this MRE included areas outside of the pit optimisation shell which had provided the main data for the last estimate in December 2019. This time, new zones – particularly in the Northern Area – were also reported.

Drilling work comprising 744 holes – mostly reverse circulation (RC), but also diamond and closely spaced ‘grade control’ type – has been progressed at the project.

RDG has been trading at 1.8 cents.

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