Press Release: Ellomay Capital Reports Publication of Financial Statements of Dorad Energy Ltd. for the Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024

Dow Jones


                                                     Dorad Energy Ltd. 
Interim Condensed Statements of Financial Position 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------- 
                           September 30   September 30    December 31 
                               2024           2023           2023 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                            (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                           NIS thousands  NIS thousands  NIS thousands 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents        531,210        363,054        219,246 
Trade receivables and 
 accrued income                  497,530        305,778        211,866 
Other receivables                 43,413         15,992         12,095 
Financial derivatives              1,661          3,761              - 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total current assets           1,073,814        688,585        443,207 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Non-current assets 
Restricted deposit               529,875        552,145        522,319 
Prepaid expenses                  28,538         30,566         30,053 
Fixed assets                   2,953,489      3,132,064      3,106,550 
Intangible assets                  8,134          7,716          7,653 
Right of use assets               54,250         56,330         55,390 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total non-current assets       3,574,286      3,778,821      3,721,965 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total assets                   4,648,100      4,467,406      4,165,172 
                           =============  =============  ============= 
Current liabilities 
Current maturities of 
 loans from banks                341,281        326,668        299,203 
Current maturities of 
 lease liabilities                 4,941          4,783          4,787 
Trade payables                   440,303        219,406        166,089 
Other payables                    10,914         25,812         31,446 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total current liabilities        797,439        576,669        501,525 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Loans from banks               1,904,195      2,131,403      1,995,909 
Other Long-term 
 liabilities                       9,827         13,969         12,943 
Long-term lease 
 liabilities                      50,061         51,691         47,618 
Provision for dismantling 
 and restoration                  36,204         50,000         38,985 
Deferred tax liabilities         354,503        279,203        278,095 
Liabilities for employee 
 benefits, net                       160            160            160 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total non-current 
 liabilities                   2,354,950      2,526,426      2,373,710 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Share capital                         11             11             11 
Share premium                    642,199        642,199        642,199 
Capital reserve from 
 activities with 
 shareholders                      3,748          3,748          3,748 
Retained earnings                849,753        718,353        643,979 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total equity                   1,495,711      1,364,311      1,289,937 
                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
Total liabilities and 
 equity                        4,648,100      4,467,406      4,165,172 
                           =============  =============  ============= 
                                                             Dorad Energy Ltd. 
Interim Condensed Statements of Income 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
                   For the nine months       For the three months      Year 
                          ended                     ended              ended 
                       September 30              September 30           31 
                 ------------------------  ------------------------ 
                    2024         2023         2024         2023        2023 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                 (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Audited) 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
                     NIS          NIS          NIS          NIS         NIS 
                  thousands    thousands    thousands    thousands   thousands 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
Revenues           2,366,358    2,185,309    1,096,456      930,838  2,722,396 
Operating costs 
of the 
Power Plant 
Energy costs         483,965      499,111      193,180      237,621    583,112 
 purchase and 
 services          1,073,350      943,040      505,678      350,219 
 amortization        183,735      182,861       68,016       63,997    242,104 
Other operating 
 costs               141,992      138,657       59,227       57,939    186,024 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
Total operating 
 of Power Plant    1,883,042    1,763,669      826,101      709,776  2,255,886 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
Profit from 
 the Power 
  Plant              483,316      421,640      270,355      221,062    466,510 
General and 
 expenses             25,328       20,726        8,600        6,633     27,668 
Other income              30            -           30            -         39 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 profit              458,018      400,914      261,785      214,429    438,881 
 income               40,982       54,805        9,098       18,615     45,286 
 expenses            166,818      175,843       63,736       50,124    209,773 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 expenses, net       125,836      121,038       54,638       31,509    164,487 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
Profit before 
 taxes on 
  income             332,182      279,876      207,147      182,923    274,394 
Taxes on income       76,408       64,187       47,664       42,077     63,079 
                 -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
Profit for the 
 period              255,774      215,689      159,483      140,843    211,315 
                 ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========  ========= 
Dorad Energy Ltd. 
Interim Condensed Statements of Changes in 
Shareholders' Equity 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
                 Share      Share        with       Retained 
                capital    premium   shareholders   earnings    Equity 
               ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  --------- 
                  NIS        NIS                       NIS        NIS 
               thousands  thousands  NIS thousands  thousands  thousands 
               ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  --------- 
For the nine 
 30, 2024 
Balance as at 
 January 1, 
  (Audited)           11    642,199          3,748    643,979  1,289,937 
Net profit 
 for the 
 period                -          -              -    255,774    255,774 
 distributed           -          -              -   (50,000)   (50,000) 
               ---------  ---------  -------------  ---------  --------- 
Balance as at 
  30, 2024 
  (Unaudited)         11    642,199          3,748    849,753  1,495,711 
               =========  =========  =============  =========  ========= 
For the nine months 
 ended September 30, 2023 
Balance as at 
 January 1, 2023 (Audited)     11  642,199  3,748   572,664  1,218,622 
Net profit for the period       -        -      -   215,689    215,689 
Dividend distributed            -        -      -  (70,000)   (70,000) 
                                   -------  -----  --------  --------- 
Balance as at 
 September 30, 2023 
  (Unaudited)                  11  642,199  3,748   718,353  1,364,311 
                                   =======  =====  ========  ========= 
For the three months 
 ended September 30, 2024 
Balance as at 
 July 1, 2024 (Unaudited)      11  642,199  3,748   740,270  1,386,228 
Net profit for the period       -        -      -   159,483    159,483 
Dividend distributed            -        -      -  (50,000)   (50,000) 
                                   -------  -----  --------  --------- 
Balance as at 
 September 30, 2024 
  (Unaudited)                  11  642,199  3,748   849,753  1,495,711 
                                   =======  =====  ========  ========= 
For the three months 
 ended September 30, 2023 
Balance as at 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

November 29, 2024 06:00 ET (11:00 GMT)



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