比特幣MENA 2024:議程公佈眾星雲集的演講者陣容


FX168財經報社(北美)訊 2024年比特幣中東和北非峯會(Bitcoin MENA 2024)倒計時,這場中東首屈一指的比特幣會議於今年12月在阿布扎比舉行,將提供開創性的討論和無與倫比的交流機會。此次會議將帶來一次難忘的體驗,包括知名演講者和沉浸式舞臺體驗。此次活動將於12月9日至10日在阿布扎比的ADNEC中心舉行,突顯中東在塑造比特幣未來方面的關鍵作用。#鏈上風雲#



埃裏克·特朗普(Eric Trump):作爲特朗普集團執行副總裁,埃裏克·特朗普將分享他對比特幣對全球金融的影響及其重塑傳統經濟結構的潛力的看法。

趙長鵬(CZ):Giggle Academy創始人,趙長鵬將討論比特幣生態系統中教育和技術的創新方法。

馬爾萬·扎魯尼(Marwan Al Zarouni):迪拜經濟與旅遊部人工智能(AI)首席執行官,Al Zarouni將探索AI與區塊鏈技術的融合,以促進經濟發展。

保羅·馬納福特(Paul Manafort):馬納福特曾任特朗普2016年總統競選經理,他將對政治與加密貨幣採用之間的交集提供見解。

大衛·貝利(David Bailey):BTC Inc.聯合創始人兼首席執行官,貝利將深入探討比特幣的未來發展軌跡及其在不斷發展的金融格局中的作用。

迪倫·勒克萊爾(Dylan LeClair):Metaplanet比特幣戰略總監,勒克萊爾將研究比特幣投資和基礎設施的戰略發展。

彼得·託德(Peter Todd):作爲比特幣社區的傑出人物,託德將討論比特幣技術及其應用的進步。

Max & Stacy:建設比特幣國家薩爾瓦多的總統顧問,他們將分享薩爾瓦多率先採用比特幣作爲法定貨幣的經驗。

約尼·阿西亞(Yoni Assia):eToro聯合創始人兼首席執行官,將討論通過比特幣實現金融民主化及其對全球市場的影響。

賽義夫丁·阿莫斯(Saifedean Ammous):Saifedean.com首席執行官,阿莫斯將探索與比特幣相關的經濟理論及其影響全球貨幣政策的潛力。

阿卜杜拉·阿爾達赫裏(Abdulla Aldhaheri):阿布扎比區塊鏈中心代表,阿爾達赫裏將重點介紹區塊鏈採用和創新方面的區域舉措。

史蒂夫·維特科夫(Steve Witkoff):作爲特朗普政府的中東特使,維特科夫將討論比特幣採用中的地緣考慮。

比特幣MENA 2024峯會舞臺和體驗

獵鷹舞臺(The Falcon Stage):主舞臺,舉辦高調主題演講,邀請全球知名演講者發表重要公告,並討論比特幣的宏觀經濟影響。思想領袖將爲比特幣的未來規劃路線,屆時將有激動人心的時刻。

創世紀舞臺(The Genesis Stage):探索比特幣的最新創新,從第2層改進和側鏈到比特幣核心開發和開源協議。此階段還重點介紹循環經濟討論和其他塑造比特幣未來的前沿發展。

工作量證明舞臺(The Proof of Work Stage):深入研究比特幣挖礦的世界,瞭解技術進步、環境影響以及挖礦在保護比特幣網絡方面的作用。

Deep VIP舞臺(The Deep VIP Stage):專爲VIP與會者設計的專屬區域,讓他們可以在輕鬆、高檔的環境中與頂級投資者、影響者和政策制定者建立聯繫。

比特幣MENA 2024爲何如此重要 中東地區對比特幣的興趣日益濃厚並非偶然。隨着該地區在戰略性擁抱數字金融的推動下經歷“新淘金熱”,阿聯酋已將自己定位爲全球創新中心。阿布扎比的稅收優惠政策和豐富的能源資源使其成爲比特幣投資者和企業的理想目的地。


對於渴望塑造金融未來的投資者、政策制定者和創新者來說,2024 年比特幣中東和北非峯會是一場不容錯過的活動。


Bitcoin MENA 2024: Agenda Unveils Star-Studded Speaker Lineup

As the countdown to Bitcoin MENA 2024 continues, the Middle East’s premier Bitcoin event promises groundbreaking discussions and unmatched networking opportunities this December in Abu Dhabi. The conference is set to deliver an unforgettable experience featuring renowned speakers and immersive stage experiences. Taking place on December 9-10 at the ADNEC Centre in Abu Dhabi, the event highlights the Middle East’s pivotal role in shaping Bitcoin’s future.

Keynote Speakers and Topics

The conference will feature insights from leading figures in the Bitcoin and blockchain sectors:

Eric Trump: As Executive Vice President of The Trump Organization, Eric Trump will share his perspectives on Bitcoin's impact on global finance and its potential to reshape traditional economic structures.

Changpeng Zhao ("CZ"): Founder of Giggle Academy, CZ will discuss innovative approaches to education and technology within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Marwan Al Zarouni: CEO of AI at the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism, Al Zarouni will explore the integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies in enhancing economic development.

Paul Manafort: Former Campaign Manager for Trump for President 2016, Manafort will provide insights into the intersection of politics and cryptocurrency adoption.

David Bailey: Co-founder & CEO of BTC Inc., Bailey will delve into the future trajectory of Bitcoin and its role in the evolving financial landscape.

Dylan LeClair: Director of Bitcoin Strategy at Metaplanet, LeClair will examine strategic developments in Bitcoin investment and infrastructure.

Peter Todd: A prominent figure in the Bitcoin community, Todd will discuss advancements in Bitcoin technology and its applications.

Max & Stacy: Presidential Advisors for Building Bitcoin Country El Salvador, they will share experiences from El Salvador's pioneering adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender.

Yoni Assia: Co-Founder & CEO of eToro, will discuss the democratization of finance through Bitcoin and its impact on global markets.

Saifedean Ammous: CEO of Saifedean.com, Ammous will explore economic theories related to Bitcoin and its potential to influence global monetary policies.

Abdulla Aldhaheri: Representative from The Blockchain Center Abu Dhabi, Aldhaheri will highlight regional initiatives in blockchain adoption and innovation.

Steve Witkoff: Special Envoy to the Middle East during the Trump Administration, Witkoff will discuss geopolitical considerations in Bitcoin adoption.

Stages and Experiences at Bitcoin MENA 2024

The Falcon Stage: The main stage for high-profile keynotes, featuring globally renowned speakers, breaking announcements, and discussions on Bitcoin’s macroeconomic impact. Expect electric moments as thought leaders chart the course for Bitcoin’s future.

The Genesis Stage: Discover the latest innovations in Bitcoin, from Layer 2 advancements and sidechains to Bitcoin Core development and open-source protocols. This stage also highlights circular economy discussions and other cutting-edge developments shaping the future of Bitcoin.

The Proof of Work Stage: Delve deep into the world of Bitcoin mining with insights into technological advancements, environmental impact, and the role of mining in securing the Bitcoin network.

The Deep VIP Stage: An exclusive area designed for VIP attendees to network with top investors, influencers, and policymakers in a relaxed, upscale setting.

Why Bitcoin MENA Matters

The Middle East's burgeoning interest in Bitcoin is no coincidence. With the region undergoing a "New Gold Rush," driven by a strategic embrace of digital finance, the UAE has positioned itself as a global hub for innovation. Abu Dhabi’s tax-friendly policies and robust energy resources make it an attractive destination for Bitcoin investors and businesses.

Secure Your Spot

Bitcoin MENA 2024 is a must-attend event for investors, policymakers, and innovators eager to shape the future of finance. For tickets, agenda, and event details, visit https://b.tc/conference/mena/experience#stages.



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