BUZZ-Australia's Cobalt Blue rises on MoU to develop sulphuric acid supply solutions


** Shares of Cobalt Blue Holdings rise as much as 14.5% to A$0.078, their largest intraday pct jump since late June

** Stock posts its highest level since Nov 15

** The green energy exploration firm signs an MoU with Mount Isa City Council to assess solutions for sulphuric acid supply shortage in North West Queensland

** Co says shortage in sulphuric acid supply caused by closure of Glencore Mount Isa copper smelter hinders growth of fertiliser, metallurgical, and chemical sectors in the region

** More than 1.9 mln shares change hands, four times the 30-day avg of around 474,000 shares

** Stock down 69.2% YTD, including current session's moves

(Reporting by Nikita Maria Jino in Bengaluru)




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