Jardine Matheson's charity MINDSET Care raised $248,888 during its MINDSET Challenge annual fundraiser event to support and fund various mental health initiatives
The Jardine Matheson Group’s registered charity MINDSET Care has raised $248,888 at the 2024 edition of its annual fundraiser, The MINDSET Challenge. The annual flagship event was graced by Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Social and Family Development as the Guest of Honour.
Funds raised will support DigitalMINDSET, a programme designed to raise awareness of youth mental health issues caused by excessive gaming, use of digital devices or social media.
In collaboration with TOUCH Community Services, DigitalMINDSET has supported over 400 youths since the programme’s inception in August 2019. DigitalMINDSET is a nine-month intervention programme to help youths better regulate their emotions through a holistic approach combining case management, mentorship and group therapy.
The MINDSET Challenge has raised over $3.8 million in support of the mental health cause since the first edition in 2012. Since then, The MINDSET Challenge has gone on to support and fund various mental health initiatives and programmes including DigitalMINDSET. Recognising the need to address the gap in mental health support available to the underserved youth in Singapore, Jardines and MINDSET pledged $1.6 million in 2019 to the setting up and running of DigitalMINDSET.
The annual National Youth Mental Health Study conducted by the Institute of Mental Health reported that approximately one in three young people aged between 15 and 35 years in Singapore experienced severe or extremely severe symptoms of depression, anxiety and/or stress. The 2024 study established the prevalence of severe symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, along with associated factors including cyber bullying, body shape concerns and excessive social media use, as well as the treatment gap and sources of support among young people in Singapore.