UPDATE 1- Australia's South32 secures approval for Worsley Alumina mine extension


(Adds Federal approval details in paragraph 2, background in paragraphs 3-4)

Dec 20 (Reuters) - Australian miner South32 said on Friday that it received approval from Western Australia's minister of environment to extend the life of its Worsley Alumina operations.

The miner said it also expects to secure the Federal government's approval for the project in early 2025.

South 32 had initiated the environmental approval process with the Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (WA EPA) in 2019, aimed at getting the greenlight to mine more bauxite in the native forest south of Perth.

The environmental regulator in early July approved the proposal for the development of the mine but included a swathe of conditions on mining in the environmentally-sensitive forest area.

(Reporting by Rajasik Mukherjee in Bengaluru; Editing by Sonia Cheema)




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