** Shares of Biocon BION.NS rise 3.4% to 364.5 rupees
** Stock top gainer on Nifty Pharma Index .NIPHARM, which is up 0.54%
** BION said on Monday unit Biocon Biologics fulfilled its obligations towards all deferred milestones under the acquisition agreement with Viatris
** Unit also completes full and final remittance of considerations toward Viatris
** 16 analysts covering the stock on avg have a "hold" rating; median PT is 334.5 rupees - LSEG data
** Stock up 46% YTD vs a 38% gain in NIPHARM
(Reporting by Ashna Teresa Britto in Bengaluru)
((AshnaTeresa.Britto@thomsonreuters.com ; ( +91 8078332441))