Elementary: Sabre pings copper zone along 800m mineralised Sherlock Bay corridor

The Market Herald

Sabre Resources Ltd (ASX:SBR) is heralding the potential to define an 800-metre copper zone close to its Sherlock Bay nickel-copper-cobalt project in WA’s Pilbara region.

A program of geochemical aircore drilling has found notable copper intersections combined with anomalous gold, cobalt, and nickel in a corridor extending 800 metres southwest of earlier gold and Ni-Cu-Co bearing sulphide intersections.

The sulphide intersections are themselves associated with a strong EM anomaly at Discovery West, southwest of Sherlock Bay’s existing Ni-Cu-Co sulphide mineral resource.

Aircore results included 18 metres at 0.25% Cu (copper), 0.03 g/t Au (gold), 133ppm (parts per million) Co (cobalt), and 178 ppm Ni (nickel) from six metres in one hole; 15 metres at 0.18% Cu, 0.06 g/t Au, 136ppm Co from nine metres in another; and eight metres at 0.21% Cu, 0.03 g/t Au, 116ppm Co, 113ppm Ni from 15 metres in a third.

Altogether, Sabre drilled 52 vertical, 40-metre spaced, aircore holes for 1,318 metres across 7 traverses, with the aim of testing previously identified electromagnetic sulphide targets within the Sholl Shear-mafic intrusive corridor.

In 2023, diamond drilling intersected gold with Ni-Cu-Co bearing sulphide mineralisation on the sheared contact between mafic intrusive and felsic rocks, and the significant copper results noted this time around were taken from three aircore traverses southwest along strike from the same site.

The discovered copper trend seems to be increasing in grade and remains open to the southwest, where it extends towards Sabre’s E47/4777 application.

Sabre has been trading at one cent.

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