The decentralized revolution based on blockchains is underway and first-movers are starting to benefit from the blockchains disruption such as Chainlink, VeChain, and Aptos. These pioneering platforms are transforming DeFi, enterprises, and Web3 investment, providing state-of-the-art technology, and disruptive innovations.
Current price:$20.40
Market cap:$13.4B
Chainlink (LINK) comes as one of satisfactory oracles for smart contracts overall, developed as a Debank within the localized OVM layer with efficient arbitration through smart contracts. This feature is crucial in the functioning of several DeFi applications making Chainlink an integral backbone in the house of blockchains. Chainlink has its sights set on about $7. 80 percent of $300 million trading volume with regard to the fact that as DeFi becomes more adopted, the necessity of its functionality will also increase. The market share of Chainlink is further bolstered by the increase in the number of partnerships and linkages to other blockchain systems.
Current price:$0.04603
Market cap:$3.72B
VeChain apart in the sphere of blockchain technology is the technology’s attention to addressing the needs of the market. VeChain’s parent company was established in 2015 and has dynamically created a multipurpose IoT-supportedblockchain-basedd platform to tackle data issues in different sectors. Enterprises prefer VeChain's blockchain which has a two-token mechanism (VET and VTHO) as this results in very low and predictable transaction fees. More innovative projects from the platform like the VeBetterDAO, show that the company aims at fostering the use of its platform through use of incentivized sustainable models. The company remains one of the leaders in the field of enterprise blockchain solutions owing to its inability to forget about the practical application of the technology.
Current price: $9.22
Market cap:$5.15B
Aptos is the change in blockchain technology with its layer-one Proof-of-Stake architecture and the Move programming language. It was designed for theoretical throughput of more than 150,000 transactions per second in an effort to drive mainstream adoption of web3 apps. It recently raised major funding of $200 million in March 2022, adding another $200 million in July from major venture capital firms-proof that investors are very confident in its vision.