** Shares of oil and gas explorer FAR FAR.AX fall 8.8% to A$0.520, their lowest since Dec. 31, 2024
** Co says it has been informed by Woodside Energy WDS.AX regarding a potential claim under an agreement related to sale of FAR interest in a Senegal project in 2021
** Says Woodside has advised that after an audit by Senegal, a claim has been raised by the country that certain costs incurred by FAR, in excess of the maximum described, up until the end of 2013, are rejected for cost recovery
** Says Woodside has advised that claim remains subject to discussions between Woodside and Senegal
** Depending upon Senegal's position, Woodside may make a formal written claim to FAR under the agreement
** About 265,000 shares change hands, 2.8 times the 30-day average of 92,740 shares
** FAR has declined 0.9% this month, including current session moves
(Reporting by Manasi Dasa Sundeep in Bengaluru)