BUZZ-Jarden prefers Temple & Webster, Nick Scali among Aussie furniture retailers

BUZZ-Jarden prefers Temple & Webster, Nick Scali among Aussie furniture retailers

** Analysts at Jarden positive on Australia's Temple & Webster TPW.AX and Nick Scali NCK.AX among Australian home and furniture retailers going into the Feb reporting season

** Prefers TPW and NCK over peer Adairs ADH.AX given the other two's relative long-term opportunities

** TPW and NCK stock up 1.4% and 0.7%, respectively, while ADH drops 1.1%

** Brokerage says trading during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday week was very strong coupled with robust performance from Boxing day into January

** Says online activity for furniture and home ware retailing also continues to outperform

** Excess China supply continues to put pressure on other regional suppliers to keep prices low - Jarden

** Flags that weakness in the Australian dollar is the focus now with market aware of freight headwinds

(Reporting by Rishav Chatterjee in Bengaluru)




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