3 February 2025
(the “Company”)
DRIS Issue Price
The reference price of a new Ordinary Share under the Company's Dividend Re-investment Scheme (“DRIS”) for the final and special dividends, announced on 18 December 2024 (the “Dividends”) has been set at 37.54p. This is the last published ex-dividend NAV per Ordinary Share, as at close of business on 31 January 2025.
Further information regarding the DRIS offered in respect of the Dividends can be found in the DRIS Mandate (the "DRIS Mandate") available on the Company's website to view and/or download at https://www.hargreaveaimvcts.co.uk/document-library/. The DRIS Mandate is also available on the National Storage Mechanism website at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism.
The payment date of the Dividends and the allotment date of the new Ordinary shares, to be issued pursuant to the DRIS (the “New Ordinary Shares”), is 14 February 2025. The date for admission and dealing of the New Ordinary Shares is expected to be on or around 21 February 2025.
For further information, please contact:
JTC (UK) Limited Uloma Adighibe Alexandria Tivey | HHV.CoSec@jtcgroup.com +44 203 892 3877 +44 203 832 3891 |
LEI: 213800LRYA19A69SIT31