Release Date: February 06, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you discuss the block trading launch in the US and why you started with emerging markets and Eurobonds first? How important is dealer involvement for success in block trading? A: Christopher Concannon, CEO, explained that the launch in emerging markets and Eurobonds was due to the strong pre-trade analytics available in those markets. The key to successful block trading is minimizing information leakage, which is achieved by targeting a specific dealer with a high likelihood of execution. Dealers appreciate being part of a smaller list for inquiries, reducing the "winner's curse" effect. The US launch is expected in Q2, with positive feedback from both clients and dealers.
Q: What gives you confidence in growing market share in high-grade credit, and are current protocols sufficient for this growth? A: Concannon highlighted favorable macro conditions, such as positive inflows into fixed income and a robust new issue market. The company is focused on offering multiple protocols suitable for different market environments, including portfolio trading, block trading, and automation. The upcoming product rollouts in 2025 are expected to drive market share growth.
Q: Where do you see opportunities for further electronification in the bond market? A: Concannon identified block trading and the retail space as significant opportunities. The emerging markets also present a large potential for electronification, with less than 5% currently penetrated. Data is crucial for this transition, and MarketAxess is focused on expanding its data footprint to support these efforts.
Q: How do you view the high-yield market, given recent market share declines? A: Concannon noted that the high-yield market faced challenges in 2024 due to tight spreads and low volatility, impacting ETF market makers. However, inflows into high-yield funds remain strong, and portfolio trading is gaining traction. The upcoming block trading solution is expected to address information leakage concerns and improve market share.
Q: What are your ambitions for the rates platform, and how is the net spotting tool performing? A: Concannon emphasized the importance of offering both electronic algorithmic solutions and traditional RFQ in the rates market. The company is launching its algos on the Pragma platform, enhancing client capabilities. The net hedging tool continues to grow, providing liquidity to large banks. The rates platform is expected to expand further in 2025.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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