Riversgold identifies 12km gold zone at WA’s ‘highly prospective’ Tambourah

The Market Herald

Riversgold Ltd (ASX:RGL) has identified a highly anomalous gold trend with a strike length of around 12 kilometres and rock chips grading up to 101 grams per tonne (g/t) at its Tambourah gold project in Western Australia.

The discovery was made through fieldwork at the site – around 160 kilometres southeast of Port Hedland – with RGL spending much of the summer period analysing gold results across the 110sqkm tenement, looking at historical mine workings, alluvial operations, and rock chips across the 12km trend.

Chairman David Lenigas said this information would be plugged into drill targets for future work. “These gold results over this 12km strike really are quite exceptional for chip samples,” he explained.

“Tambourah was originally acquired for its lithium potential in the northwest corner of the tenement, but its gold potential is just becoming properly understood after the recent RGL work focussing on gold.

“The area has always been highly prospective for gold, with gold being discovered there in 1891, which resulted in a gold rush in 1894 with over 400 men working.

“RGL took hundreds of samples for gold last year and these have now been collated and summarised, and these gold results now clearly show a highly exciting corridor ofhigh-grade gold from rock chips.”

RGL has been trading at 0.3 cents per share.

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