Release Date: February 09, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Good morning, Jason. Just noting that the CapEx or the anticipated total capital cost of Glass House redevelopment has increased a little bit over the last six months. Could you unpack why that was and highlight what the redevelopment entails at this point? A: The increase reflects an upward adjustment to rental terms agreed with the major tenant, which affects the price paid but not the profitability of Stage 1. For Stage 2, expected expenditure has increased due to design finalization and rental levels. Despite this, the project remains an attractive capital deployment option.
Q: With the gearing now having a two-handle on it, and considering the cycle with cap rates stabilizing, how are you thinking about the balance sheet and capacity for deployment? A: Our operating range for gearing is 25% to 40%, allowing flexibility. Future gearing will depend on deployment opportunities, but we maintain a buffer to the top end of the range. We have capacity for at least one to two more meaningful development sites.
Q: How are you thinking about deployment, development versus acquisition, and the buyback? A: Our preference is for development over acquisitions due to better risk-adjusted returns. We see opportunities in the $20 million to $40 million range. The buyback remains for flexibility, but higher returns are available through fund-through developments.
Q: Regarding guidance reiterated today, with the yield curve improving, what are your thoughts? A: The yield curve suggests marginal upside, but we've canceled $46 million in debt facilities, affecting debt establishment costs. The net benefit will be seen in FY26, offsetting lower floating rates.
Q: How are you thinking about hedging at this point in the cycle? A: We started strong with 78% hedged in the first half and will average over 70% for FY25. The current interest rate outlook offers good value in the two-to-three-year part of the curve, presenting hedging opportunities in the second half.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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