Release Date: February 20, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Can you remind us of your franking credit balance, considering the potential to restart dividends? A: (CFO, Anthony Ricki) We currently have no franking credits available. They were exhausted with the last tax refunds. Franking credits will begin again once we start paying tax. We recorded an $8 million tax payable for the half year, which will grow over the rest of the financial year.
Q: Is there an expectation for cash tax payments later this financial year? A: (CFO, Anthony Ricki) Yes, we recorded a small payable at the half year, typically payable upon the lodgement of our tax return around February each year. We expect to start making cash tax payments in February 2026.
Q: Regarding the Tropicana reserve and resource update, do you expect the underground reserves to remain at 600,000 ounces in the coming years? A: (CEO, Jim) While we didn't fully replace depletion this year, we have consistently replaced depletion in the past. We expect some variation year-to-year but remain confident in ongoing growth in reserves.
Q: Can you reconcile the operating cash flow in the statutory accounts versus the presentation? A: (CFO, Anthony Ricki) The presentation includes cash and bullion at market value, while the statutory accounts treat bullion as cash. There are also classification differences, such as corporate and interest costs being included in operating cash flows in statutory accounts.
Q: How do you view potential acquisitions versus returns, especially with rumors about an asset in Queensland? A: (CEO, Jim) We evaluate opportunities while recognizing our growing capacity to pay dividends. These considerations are not mutually exclusive, and we look at them combined.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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