


紐約時間2025年2月11日,美國審計、稅務和諮詢公司畢馬威會計師事務所(KPMG LLP)宣佈,Matt Miner將於2025年2月28日起加入公司,擔任副主席兼總法律顧問。

作爲畢馬威美國公司負責法律、監管與合規事務的副主席以及總法律顧問,Matt Miner將負責助力公司爲客戶提供創新服務,同時履行公司的專業職責,並維持世界級的道德與合規計劃。

同時,Matt Miner將加入畢馬威美國管理委員會,並擔任畢馬威美國董事會祕書,負責公司治理事務。他還將擔任美洲地區法律與合規事務負責人,並加入美洲管理委員會。他將與公司各部門的領導合作,推動公司在利用生成式人工智能開發新解決方案和能力的過程中,將相關原則付諸實踐,助力落實畢馬威可信人工智能框架。

畢馬威美國主席兼首席執行官Paul Knopp表示:“Matt Miner是他所在領域的領軍人物,他將幫助我們的公司爲企業提供誠信、創新的服務。信任是我們業務的核心,我們期待Matt Miner發揮領導作用,引導公司繼續爲客戶創造價值。

加入畢馬威之前,Matt Miner擔任沃爾瑪執行副總裁、全球首席道德與合規官兼特別顧問。在他的職業生涯中,他在公共、私營和政府部門的企業調查、危機管理、治理和公共政策方面積累了豐富的經驗。

在沃爾瑪的最新任職中,Matt Miner負責監督全球1000多名員工,領導一個覆蓋19個市場的強大的道德與合規團隊。在此之前,他是摩根路易斯律師事務所(Morgan,Lewis & Bockius LLP)的合夥人,在華盛頓特區領導該律所的白領訴訟和政府執法業務。

在職業生涯早期,Matt Miner曾在美國司法部(DOJ)工作,擔任司法部刑事司副助理檢察長,負責監督欺詐和上訴部門。在此期間,他制定並實施了刑事司2019年《企業合規計劃評估指南》,並開展了首創性培訓,讓檢察官瞭解合規計劃設計和主要合規挑戰。Matt Miner此前還曾擔任美國阿拉巴馬中區助理檢察官。

Matt Miner擁有University of Michigan Law School法學博士學位,以及University of Cincinnati的文學學士學位。

他志願擔任University of Cincinnati卡爾·H·林德納商學院商業諮詢委員會成員,以及紐約大學法學院企業合規與執法項目顧問委員會成員。

Matt Miner的LinkedIn資料詳細如下:


NEW YORK, February 11, 2025 -- KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm, today announced Matt Miner will be joining the firm as Vice Chair and General Counsel, effective February 28, 2025. 

As Vice Chair – Legal, Regulatory & Compliance and General Counsel for the U.S. firm, Mr. Miner will be responsible for helping the firm serve its clients with innovation, while meeting the firm’s professional obligations and maintaining a world-class ethics and compliance program.  

In his role, Mr. Miner will serve on the U.S. Management Committee and as Secretary to the KPMG U.S. Board of Directors, responsible for firm governance matters. He will also serve as Head of Legal and Compliance for the Americas Region and join the Americas Management Committee. Working with leaders across the firm, he will also support engagement with KPMG’s Trusted AI framework, driving the firm’s principles into practice as it develops new solutions and capabilities with generative AI. 

"Matt is a leader in his field who will help our firm deliver innovative services for businesses with integrity," said Paul Knopp, Chair and CEO of KPMG LLP. “Trust is at the heart of our business, and we look forward to Matt’s leadership to help guide our firm in continuing to deliver value for clients.” 

Mr. Miner joins KPMG from the position of Executive Vice President, Global Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer and Special Counsel at Walmart. Over the course of his career, he has had diverse experiences in corporate investigations, crisis management, governance and public policy across the public, private and governmental sectors.  

In his most recent role at Walmart, Mr. Miner oversaw more than 1,000 associates globally, leading a robust ethics and compliance organization across 19 markets. Previously, he was a Partner at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, where he led their white-collar litigation and government enforcement practice in Washington, DC.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Miner worked in the Department of Justice (DOJ), serving as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Criminal Division of the DOJ, overseeing the Fraud and Appellate Sections. In this capacity, he developed and deployed the Division’s 2019 Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs guidance, as well as first-of-its-kind training to educate prosecutors on compliance program design and key compliance challenges.  Matt also previously served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama.

Mr. Miner received his Juris Doctor Degree from University of Michigan Law School and holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Cincinnati. 

He volunteers on the Business Advisory Council for the University of Cincinnati’s Carl H. Linder College of Business as well as on the Board of Advisors for the New York University School of Law’s Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement.  





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