Release Date: February 25, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Doug Irwin from Citi asked about the guidance, noting it seemed conservative at the low end, and inquired about factors that might drive results to the high end of the range. A: Avigal Soreq, President, explained that this is the first time DKL is providing guidance. The company is growing and increasing economic separation from its sponsor, DK. They are confident in the guidance provided and will update as necessary. Opportunities for growth remain, and further modeling questions can be addressed in detail later.
Q: Doug Irwin also asked about the $150 million buyback program, specifically the timeline for execution and funding strategy. A: Avigal Soreq stated that the buyback is beneficial from a free cash flow standpoint, with a cost of capital around 7% and a yield close to 11%. The deconsolidation effort is a joint initiative with DK. Reuven Spiegel, CFO, added that it's a two-year program, subject to market conditions and compliance with company covenants and leverage ratio targets.
Q: Neal Dingmann from Truist Securities inquired about other notable drivers for the upside potential in EBITDA guidance. A: Avigal Soreq highlighted several transactions, including the completion of the Gravity and H2O deals, the Libby plant expansion, and the AGI & Sour effort. These synergies, along with the W2W transaction, contribute to the guidance. The company aims to reflect the discounted value of their currency compared to the ANZI index.
Q: Neal Dingmann also asked about the demand and utilization of key assets. A: Avigal Soreq confirmed strong demand, particularly in the Delaware area, with ongoing discussions with producers. The comprehensive offering of crude, gas, and water is proving successful, and similar strategies are being implemented in the Midland Basin.
Q: Doug Irwin followed up on the buyback program, asking if it would be funded internally or through debt. A: Avigal Soreq reiterated the benefits of the buyback from a free cash flow perspective and emphasized the strategic importance of the deconsolidation effort. The execution will depend on market conditions, and further details can be provided by Reuven Spiegel.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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