BUZZ-Citi upgrades Woodside to 'neutral' on Louisiana LNG, US exposure bets

BUZZ-Citi upgrades Woodside to 'neutral' on Louisiana LNG, US exposure bets

** Citi upgrades rating on Australia's top oil and gas producer Woodside Energy WDS.AX to "neutral" from "sell", raises PT to A$24 from A$22

** WDS reports 13% drop in FY24 underlying profit, though it beat consensus estimates

** Company says it is well positioned to capitalise on demand for U.S. LNG driven by President Donald Trump's trade policy and pro-fossil fuel agenda

** Woodside CEO Meg O'Neill says Trump's policy already generating business for its Louisiana LNG (LLNG) project

** WDS also looking for potential buyers for a stake in LLNG

** Company's shares ended 2.8% higher on Tuesday at A$24.03 per share, a near two-week high

** Citi says WDS remains "underweight" for fund managers; adds if WDS sells 50% stake in LLNG in coming months, "underweight could be a pain trade"

** Brokerage says any sell downs will likely improve both sentiment and fundamentals

** Morningstar, with a fair value estimate of A$41.50, says market is "overly bearish" on WDS

** 6 of 14 analysts rate WDS "buy" or higher, 7 "hold", 1 "strong sell"; median PT A$27 - LSEG

(Reporting by Sameer Manekar in Bengaluru)




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