專題:特朗普2.0時代 氣候危機與全球應對
文 | ESG評級中心 李欣然
美國特朗普總統上臺後,制定了一系列反對以ESG爲指導原則的行動,如退出巴黎協定,鼓勵化石能源開採等。當下,美國大衆對ESG持有何種態度?ESG投資在美國和全球的趨勢與前景如何?針對這些問題,新浪財經與美國芝加哥大學哈里斯公共政策學院Justin Marlowe教授展開了對話。
Q: What is the general attitude of American investors towards ESG investing these days? I’ve heard about the phenomenon of “green hushing” in the U.S.Why do you think this is happening? Is it because people no longer support the ESG investment philosophy, or do they still agree with it but are just unwilling to speak up about it?
A: I think, in general, people remain very supportive of the principles of ESG. In fact, there’s even some polling and public opinion data to show that if you ask people, “Do you believe we should make investments to prepare for more frequent, powerful storms?” they will say yes.If you ask them, “Should we take steps to prepare for more intense heat and heat risk?” they say yes. And if you ask them if they support doing things to prepare for more frequent inland flooding, they will say yes. So, I think people understand the risks and they recognize that, to the extent that we can take action to manage or mitigate those risks, we should do those things.
In my own work, I always like to talk about ESG as what we would call pre-financial risks. These are not necessarily risks that are financial risks today, like a loss of revenue or a big spike in spending. Instead, they are factors that create conditions for having to spend a lot more money in the future or factors that create the conditions for a loss of revenue. And when you frame it as the potential for a loss or the potential for a problem, people are generally supportive of the idea of doing something to mitigate that problem.
So that‘s why it’s so strange that ESG—just those three letters—has become so politically divisive. The opposition to ESG has managed to turn those three letters into something that people really oppose, even if they don‘t necessarily understand what they’re opposing or why. Some of that opposition is from communities that depend on fossil fuels production. They believe ESG will destroy their way of life. That’s understandable, but it ignores the fact that fossil fuel companies are also some of the biggest investors in green energy.It‘s just an emotional reaction that people have. So I think that’s where we stand today: We have this strange divide. On the one hand, people are very supportive of taking the actions needed to prepare for the risks described in ESG principles.On the other hand, they‘re not willing to use the term “ESG” or have a serious conversation about climate adaptation or some of the underlying causes of ESG risks.
And so, if you‘re a policymaker or, in my case, a finance person, a lot of what we’re seeing is people trying to convey the same basic ideas as ESG principles but using different words.So now we talk about resilience, prevention, and different types of sustainability.We‘re saying the same thing but without actually using the letters “ESG”.
Q: What is your perspective on the ESG investment principle?Based on your research experience, do you think ESG investing contributes to value creation?
A:That‘s the most important question in so many ways. I can only speak to public finance—that’s the area I know best. We do know a couple of things about public finance as it relates to ESG. One is that the demand for what we might call ESG investments, especially in public infrastructure, is stronger today than it‘s ever been, and it’s only going to continue to grow.
Take some of the recent developments, like those massive wildfires in Southern California that everyone is looking at right now. They are the ultimate case example of why ESG investing in public finance is so important. If we‘re going to rebuild those parts of Los Angeles, there are a number of questions we’re going to have to ask, and many believe that those questions should be informed by ESG thinking.
For example, what are we going to rebuild in some of these areas where entire neighborhoods or even entire cities have been destroyed?You could simply go in and rebuild, pretending that nothing had happened. But ESG investors are saying, “Hold on. If you rebuild without addressing the wildfire risks, they will remain the same. And in 10 years, you could have another fire that burns everything down again, forcing you to rebuild once more.” So, if you’re mindful of what the principles of ESG tell us, you might reconsider rebuilding in all the same places. Or, if you do rebuild, you should use much more sustainable materials—materials that are better prepared to withstand the kinds of wildfire risks and other natural disaster risks that are now very common in that part of the world.
If you are a firm that makes those sustainable building materials, or a firm that offers information about the emergence of future climate risks, or a city official trying to rebuild public infrastructure—rebuilding your streets, sidewalks, school buildings, and hospital buildings—you will be under tremendous pressure to build back in a greener, more sustainable way. This looks like a tremendous investment opportunity, assuming that ESG principles inform the rebuilding process in some way.
If you are a government, if you are a supplier to the rebuilding efforts, or if you are a city looking to be more sustainable, provide more green energy, and offer greener services—there is a tremendous opportunity to sell to and supply that entire effort.
Fundamentally, I think it comes down to a choice: Do we remain committed to the principles of ESG, but simply call it something else to sidestep these difficult political issues? Or does the pressure on ESG truly halt the progress on ESG?I believe there is no question that the demand is ther, and it will continue to grow regardless of what we call it.
Q: What do you think the future trends of ESG will be?Do you think the term “ESG” might be replaced by other similar concepts?
A:I‘ve seen strong arguments on both sides. There are strong arguments from people who say, “ESG is well-known, and we should continue to use it. It sends a very strong message about a very clear set of principles, and therefore we should stick with it. Just because someone has chosen to politicize it doesn’t mean that‘s a good reason to stop using those terms” And that’s fair. On the other side, there are many people who are very pragmatic about the language. They just want to see the investments happen. They just want to see attention paid to the issue.
In my field of municipal finance, there‘s been a lot of focus lately on prevention. Think about a city that has suffered from inland flooding. It has to spend billions of dollars to raise its levees to prevent further flooding. You can look at that and say they have to spend a billion dollars to raise their seawalls as part of a green or ESG investment, which some people might see as reactionary and unnecessary. Or you can call it a billion-dollar investment in preventing disaster. Or you could call it an investment in prevention, or a prevention-focused investment. People think about that differently. Nobody’s really against prevention. No one is against trying to keep a bad thing from happening.
There‘s also been a lot of interesting rebranding of what many of these investments can be called. I think a particularly interesting example is in Chicago under the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) which, despite seeming to fade a little every moment now, still included a substantial amount of federal money to support better stormwater management efforts. These efforts include better drainage and more effective capture of rainwater where it falls, as well as investments in related technologies and infrastructure.
For example, the Chicago Bears, a professional football team, have been looking to build a new stadium.They believe their current stadium is no longer adequate.Naturally, they have been looking for ways to finance the public infrastructure part of the project. However, people are understandably skeptical about spending hundreds of millions of dollars to support a professional sports team when Chicago has many other public investment needs that don‘t involve professional sports.But one of the city’s finance officials has gotten very creative.One proposal is to use IRA funds for much of the infrastructure improvements at Soldier Field, where the Bears play.Technically, these improvements would help with stormwater management, so they could be financed with IRA dollars.In other words, instead of building a new football stadium, they‘re proposing a large stormwater management project that just happens to have a football stadium on top of it. This idea hasn’t been implemented yet, but it shows the kind of thinking that‘s happening now: finding ways to continue making these investments and tying them to other infrastructure projects under different names. I think there has been, and will continue to be, a lot more of this, at least in public finance.
Q: For many years, Europe has been regarded as a pioneer in practicing ESG principles.What is your view on the current state of ESG in Europe and in other regions globally?
A: Among European investors and some of the multilateral organizations—like the OECD, NATO, and the World Bank—many have very strong ESG principles embedded in what they do.I believe they are doing the exact same thing: changing the words they use and relabeling many of their existing efforts. But at the core, they continue to invest or promote investments that are ESG-sensitive or ESG-compliant.
I think it‘s important to note that the investor base in ESG projects has not been discouraged at all by the change in policy and the rhetoric of the Trump administration. Consider funds like the Saudi PIF and certain public pension funds across Europe; they all have very strong ESG mandates and programmatic commitments that they need to meet. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.