Release Date: March 14, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Mark, on your partial fixtures for the first quarter, the rates have been challenging, but you've managed a 40% boost. Is this due to your COAs and contracts? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) We focus on work that pays more than the market by taking on tough cargoes and operating in challenging environments like ICE waters. Our excellent operating platform and ship managers contribute significantly to our bottom line.
Q: With the year-end acquisition of new vessels, how quickly can you integrate them into Pangaea's chartering platform? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) We've already made progress, planning voyages in new trades for these ships. Despite market challenges, we expect improvements as the market rebounds later this year.
Q: Your port services business has shown increased profitability. What changes have contributed to this? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) We've increased dry bulk business in some terminals, which pays more. We've also expanded operations, such as in Aransas and Tampa, which are expected to drive further growth.
Q: Regarding capital allocation, do you plan to maintain your current fleet size or consider selling older assets to reduce debt? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) We aim to grow our fleet cautiously and will sell older ships as they reach 20 years. We are not over-leveraged and will be opportunistic in buying ships when market conditions are favorable.
Q: How do you plan to manage dividends given the potential earnings reduction in the coming quarters? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) Dividend decisions are made quarterly by the Board, considering market conditions and cash flow. We aim for a consistent and sustainable dividend policy.
Q: Can you provide insights into the operating leverage with the SSI acquisition and its impact on G&A expenses? A: (Gianni Del Signore, CFO) Our platform is scalable, and the incremental G&A from the acquisition is not significant. We expect G&A per day to remain consistent or decrease slightly due to economies of scale.
Q: What is the outlook for your terminal operations and potential earnings growth? A: (Gianni Del Signore, CFO) We expect growth in terminal operations, especially in the second half of 2025, with incremental EBITDA from new projects. The fourth quarter's performance is a good indicator of future operations.
Q: How does the specialized nature of your business protect you from competitive pressures in the shipping industry? A: (Mark Filanowski, CEO) Our focus on ports and terminals helps mitigate shipping volatility. The limited new ship deliveries should maintain market tightness, supporting higher rates.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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