CHEN Yun Jiang
Chairman of the Board,Director,Chairman of the Strategic and Development Committee,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
Executive Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
Executive Director,Deputy Cadre,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
XU Guang Hua
Independent Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Chairman of the Audit Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
GE Yang
Independent Director,Chairman of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee
SUN Li Jun
Independent Director,Chairman of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
TAN Shi Juan
Independent Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
GU Chao Yang
Independent Director,Member of the Audit Committee
MA Zhong Li
Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
WANG Ying Jian
Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
XIE Meng Meng
Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee
YANG Jian Guo
Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
YANG Shao Jun
Director,Member of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
YANG Shi Wei
LU Zheng Feng
Employee Supervisor
KONG Yuan Yi
Employee Supervisor
TU Jun
Securities Affairs Representative
CHEN Jin Jia
Corporate Secretary
ZHANG Bao Zhen
Corporate Secretary
BIAN Chuan Shan
Disciplinary Committee Secretary