LIU Xun Feng
Chairman of the Board,Executive Director,Chairman of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee
Fan Ren Da Anthony
Independent Director,Chairman of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
LIU Ming
Independent Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
WU Han Ming
Independent Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
CHEN Xin Yuan
Independent Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Chairman of the Audit Committee,Member of the Audit Committee
Chen Shanzhi
Director,Chairman of the Strategic and Development Committee,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
LU Guo Qing
Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
Director,Member of the Strategic and Development Committee
HUANG Deng Shan
Director,Member of the Nomination Committee
WEN Jie Han
Securities Affairs Representative
Haijun Zhao
Other Senior Executives,Core Technical Personnel
LIANG Meng Song
Core Technical Personnel
Core Technical Personnel
Core Technical Personnel
YAN Da Yong
Core Technical Personnel