TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that the rapid development of the digital world has brought convenience in obtaining information and news. He said that everyone can now act like a journalist who reports any kind of information.
This was conveyed by Jokowi at the opening of the XXX National Level Qur'an Tilawatil Musabaqah (MTQ), in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Sunday night, September 8, 2024.
“In today's digital era, our society can now obtain information easily. Conventional media outlets are starting to be pushed out. The dominant ones are social media, online media, and everyone can be a journalist. Citizen journalism, but without an editorial board,” Jokowi said.
Therefore, he said, every reader of social media news must be able to become an editor for himself, and must be able to filter which news is good and which is not good.
“We must check and recheck which ones are true and which ones are hoaxes or fake news,” he said.
He said that to be able to filter information well, people need a strong moral grip, namely religion.
“This is where the importance of MTQ, and through this MTQ, not only displays the ability and beauty of reading the Koran, but also a momentum to glorify the Quran, ground the teachings of the Quran, strengthen the moral and spiritual of the nation in the joints of the life of the people of the nation and state,” he explained.
The President on that occasion also said that 48 years ago the National MTQ was held in Samarinda City. He assessed that the organization of MTQ this time is much better.
Jokowi received reports that many innovations have been made in the organization of MTQ this time, including the use of digital technology such as e-MTQ, e-maqra, and e-scoring applications.
“And I really hope that not only the organization of the MTQ is better, but what is more important is how the values contained in the Quran such as honesty, justice, peace and unity are increasingly implemented in our daily lives,” he explained.
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