Investors are likely to keep an eye on the following small-cap stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
Pinnacle Minerals (ASX:PIM)
Pinnacle Minerals CEO Maurice Matich is resigning, effective immediately.
Catalina Resources (ASX:CTN)
Catalina Resources is set to start a follow-up air core drilling at tenement E38/3697 in Western Australia after its February campaign found mineralized gold intervals, including 1 meter at 2.4 grams per tonne gold from 75 meters and 3 meters at 1.1 grams per tonne gold from 49 meters.
Dynamic Metals (ASX:DYM)
Dynamic Metals identified the Cognac West and Chalice South prospects as two areas requiring priority follow-up during a gold targeting exercise across its Widgiemooltha project in Western Australia. The company plans to start permitting processes ahead of drilling in early 2025.
Southern Hemisphere Mining (ASX:SUH)
Southern Hemisphere Mining will start a reverse circulation and diamond drilling program at its Llahuin project in Chile in October, with the goal of a resource upgrade in the second half of 2025.
Tennant Minerals (ASX:TMS)
Tennant Minerals identified new copper and gold zones during the latest reverse circulation drilling program at its Bluebird discovery within the Barkly project in the Northern Territory. The results extend the potential for high-grade mineralization within the regional ironstone gravity corridor.
Top End Energy (ASX:TEE)
Top End Energy confirmed the presence of organic-rich rocks on exploration permit 144 in the Northern Territory, following recent drilling on overlapping mineral tenure.
Knosys (ASX:KNO)
The information technology company said telco Singtel signed a two-year contract extension for the use of its knowledge management platform KnowledgeIQ. Singtel will also upgrade to the latest release of the platform over the next 12 months.