WEB Travel's Snapshot for WebBeds at Odds With Previous Update -- Market Talk

Dow Jones

2201 GMT - WEB Travel's latest update is disappointing and appears to be at odds with commentary provided by the company at its annual meeting of shareholders at the end of August, Wilsons analyst Ben Wilson says in a note. WEB Travel signaled a 1H Ebitda margin for its WebBeds business of around 44%, weakening from a margin around 50% signaled at the shareholder meeting. Wilsons says the update implies 1H Ebitda for WebBeds of some A$73.5 million, representing a 20% miss to its A$92.7 million forecast. "While revised medium-term revenue/Total Transaction Value guidance of 6.5% is a meaningful reduction from previous guidance, we believe the market may see increased risk in this metric and the potential for further reductions," Wilsons adds. (david.winning@wsj.com; @dwinningWSJ)


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 14, 2024 18:01 ET (22:01 GMT)

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