Release Date: October 30, 2024
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: As we think about the conversations you're having on deep water projects, where do these stand as far as the conversations? Are these projects underway or is it something else that gives you confidence? A: Brady Murphy, CEO: We've been tracking a pipeline of CS Neptune projects. Many were paused due to COVID but are now moving forward. We've announced our first three-well award with a super major starting in Q1. We're cautiously optimistic about securing more Neptune projects in 2025. These are not projects where drilling has already started, so timing is crucial. Neptune is unique with no competing offerings in its price range.
Q: Regarding the water and flowback business, would you expect to see growth in that business under a flat US activity scenario for 2025? A: Brady Murphy, CEO: It's early to predict 2025 fully, but we anticipate a Q4 slowdown with typical seasonality. Q1 should start flattish to up from Q4. We're more focused on margin enhancement than growth. We've gained market share through produced water but aren't investing heavily in growth next year. We're investing in automation technology to improve margins.
Q: Can you walk us through the process for water desalination at the EP level and how you factor in timing? A: Brady Murphy, CEO: It's an emerging market. We've been working with one customer for a couple of years and are close to moving forward with a project in the Permian. We've opened dialogues with seven customers under NDAs and are negotiating with two more. The process involves analyzing water samples, running them through pilot operations, and then moving to commercial pilots. We've been successful with every water treatment asked of us.
Q: Could you discuss your expectations for the AOGC ruling on lithium royalties and any important notes from an outside perspective? A: Brady Murphy, CEO: The hearing is set for November 4th. We've prepared a justifiable royalty structure to support investment in lithium and benefit Arkansas residents. The state is motivated to set this royalty to move investments forward. Until the royalty is set, no project commitments will be made. We can't predict the outcome but are hopeful.
Q: Could you discuss how your desalination technology compares to others and its advantages? A: Brady Murphy, CEO: Our process involves three stages: pre-treatment, membrane technology, and post-treatment. The first stage is proprietary, developed through our recycling services. We use membrane technologies like osmotically assisted reverse osmosis for low TDS water and vacuum membrane distillation for high TDS water. These are proprietary for oil and gas applications. The third stage is a final treatment based on customer specifications.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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