BUZZ-BofA downgrades Teekay Tankers to 'underperform' rating

BUZZ-BofA downgrades <a href="">Teekay Tankers</a> to 'underperform' rating

** BofA downgrades shipping company Teekay Tankers' TNK.N shares to "underperform" from "neutral" rating

** Brokerage says a potential easing of geopolitical disruptions to pressure rates

** BofA cuts PT to $46 from $51

** 6 of 7 brokerages rate the stock "buy" or higher, 1 "hold"; their median PT is $68.50 - LSEG data

** Including session's moves, stock down ~8.5% YTD

(Reporting by Prakhar Srivastava in Bengaluru)




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