Encounter confirms significant niobium system at Green

The Market Herald

Encounter Resources Ltd (ASX:ENR) has picked up assay results from four reverse circulation (RC) holes at its Green prospect in Western Australia which confirm the continuous nature of high-grade niobium within the wider mineralised system there.

The drilling revealed grades such as 116m @ 1.7% Nb2O5 from 52m to EOH including 28 metres at 3.3% Nb2O5 from 62 metres and 32 metres at 2.1% Nb2O5 from 95 metres in one hole; and 81 metres at 1.5% Nb2O5 from 39 metres, including 43 metres at 2.4% Nb2O5from 43 metres in another.

One hole – EAL894 – revealed the highest ‘grade x thickness’ RC drill intercept returned fromthe entire West Arunta province to date.

What has been shown through RC drilling at Green – part of the wider Aileron project – is a zone of thick, high-grade mineralisation which is strike extensive. From this, a diamond hole has also been drilled to allow for metallurgical test work.

Encounter intends to continue drilling, with assays from another 30 holes to be released in the coming months.

Executive Chairman Will Robinson said the results taken so far boded well for the target.

“Green is a large mineralised carbonatite (+3km long) containing multiple zones of shallow, high-grade niobium mineralisation identified with aircore drilling,” he said.

“The first RC holes completed at the western side of Green demonstrate some of the best, depth extensive niobium mineralisation in the West Arunta.”

Encounter has been trading at 34.5 cents.

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