Tambourah chases gold veins and mineralisation extension with drilling

The Market Herald

Tambourah Metals Ltd (ASX:TMB) has intersepted two strongly mineralised quartz-sulphide veins hosting high-grade gold in just one hole of its maiden diamond drilling program at its namesake project in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

The high-grade veins – which are set around a continuous low-grade zone at the Tambourah King prospect – were intercepted at depths of 58.35 metres and 69.64 metres respectively.

From the one hole (TBDD001), results included 2.65 metres at 32.4 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold from 58.35 metres, including 1 metre at 77.4g/t from 59.05 metres; and 2.26 metres at 7.94 g/t from 70.65 metres.

Particularly pleasing for the company is the fact that TBDD001 is twinned with TBRC026, a historic hole which yielded intercepts such as 2 metres at 18g/t of gold from 55 metres; and 5 metres at 6.1 g/t of gold from 69 metres.

Last year, Tambourah conducted a reverse circulation (RC) drilling campaign at Tambourah King, and the recent diamond drilling is targeting extensions to the high-grade mineralisation intersected during this program.

The 2023 drilling discovered a mineralised lode over a strike of around 150 metres.

Tambourah shares have been higher today, and at 16:48 AEDT, they were trading at 3 cents – a rise of 3.45% since the market opened.

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