Investors interested in Basic Materials stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. NexGen Energy (NXE) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? By taking a look at the stock's year-to-date performance in comparison to its Basic Materials peers, we might be able to answer that question.
NexGen Energy is one of 234 companies in the Basic Materials group. The Basic Materials group currently sits at #12 within the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank gauges the strength of our 16 individual sector groups by measuring the average Zacks Rank of the individual stocks within the groups.
The Zacks Rank emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find stocks with improving earnings outlooks. This system has a long record of success, and these stocks tend to be on track to beat the market over the next one to three months. NexGen Energy is currently sporting a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy).
Over the past three months, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for NXE's full-year earnings has moved 39.4% higher. This means that analyst sentiment is stronger and the stock's earnings outlook is improving.
Based on the most recent data, NXE has returned 19% so far this year. Meanwhile, the Basic Materials sector has returned an average of -2.7% on a year-to-date basis. This means that NexGen Energy is performing better than its sector in terms of year-to-date returns.
One other Basic Materials stock that has outperformed the sector so far this year is Perpetua Resources Corp. (PPTA). The stock is up 240.4% year-to-date.
In Perpetua Resources Corp.'s case, the consensus EPS estimate for the current year increased 1.6% over the past three months. The stock currently has a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy).
Breaking things down more, NexGen Energy is a member of the Mining - Miscellaneous industry, which includes 59 individual companies and currently sits at #135 in the Zacks Industry Rank. This group has lost an average of 14% so far this year, so NXE is performing better in this area. Perpetua Resources Corp. is also part of the same industry.
NexGen Energy and Perpetua Resources Corp. could continue their solid performance, so investors interested in Basic Materials stocks should continue to pay close attention to these stocks.
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Perpetua Resources Corp. (PPTA) : Free Stock Analysis Report
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