In Q3, Hello Group Reported 12.0M Monthly Active Users on Tantan App Vs 15.7M YoY, Total Paying Users of 6.9M Vs 7.8M YoY for Momo App, Total Paying Users of 0.9M for Tantan Vs 1.4M YoY

  • Monthly Active Users ("MAU") on Tantan app were 12.0 million in September 2024, compared to 15.7 million in September 2023.
  • For the Momo app total paying users was 6.9 million for the third quarter of 2024, compared to 7.8 million for the same period last year. Tantan had 0.9 million paying users for the third quarter of 2024 compared to 1.4 million from the year ago period.



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