BUZZ-Archer Aviation rises after Deutsche Bank raises PT

BUZZ-Archer Aviation rises after Deutsche Bank raises PT

** Air-taxi maker Archer Aviation's ACHR.N shares rise ~2.8% to $7.37 premarket

** Deutsche Bank raises ACHR PT to $15 from $11, a 109% upside to stock's last close; maintains "buy" rating

** Brokerage says company's new program and other similar ones going forward will likely be multi-billion in nature, significantly boosting company's growth potential

** "Financial risk profile of ACHR should be much lower now as revenue/profit can be pulled forward as military programs could be awarded as early as next year and naturally not require any type of civil certification or be affected by consumer adoption preferences" - brokerage

** As of last close, stock up 16.78% YTD

(Reporting by Anshuman Tripathy)




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