ASX healthcare 2024 winners and losers, plus what’s next for 2025

  • The S&P/ASX 200 Health Care Index rose 6.98% in 2024 underperforming the benchmark S&P/ASX 200, which was up 8.5%
  • Morgans’s healthcare analyst Iain Wilkie described 2024 as “pretty patchy” for the ASX healthcare sector
  • Mesoblast was the top healthcare performer for 2024, up 835% on the back of FDA approval of its therapy for paediatric graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)

Morgans’s healthcare analyst Iain Wilkie describes 2024 as “pretty patchy” for the ASX healthcare sector, which has underperformed broader markets.

The S&P/ASX 200 Health Care Index (ASX:XHJ) from the start of January to December 20, 2024 was up 4.8% (not including dividends), while the benchmark S&P/ASX 200 (ASX:XJO) had risen 6.5%.

“The whole year was pretty patchy and there was some good patches and there were some bad ones,” Wilkie said.

He said the re-election of Donald Trump as US president and his appointment of Robert F Kennedy Junior – aka RFK Jr – to head the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in his upcoming administration had shaken up the ASX and global healthcare markets.

RFK Jr was a controversial pick and, among other things, has been critical of the US childhood immunisation schedule. As HHS secretary, RFK Jr would have oversight of both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“The question is what will be the administration’s new views on healthcare, what their new initiatives will be, and there just questions overhanging the sector,” Wilkie said.

“We will just have to wait and see what happens, but uncertainty doesn’t help market sentiment.”

ASX healthcare stocks 2024 performance

MSB Mesoblast Limited $2.52 711% $ 2,847.39
SHG Singular Health $0.22 479% $ 55.78
EZZ EZZ Life Science $2.88 348% $ 139.16
NYR Nyrada Inc $0.09 323% $ 17.31
SNT Syntara Limited $0.06 205% $ 96.33
OCC Orthocell Limited $1.20 193% $ 292.44
SIG Sigma Health Ltd $2.65 164% $ 4,133.58
PME Pro Medicus Limited $247.22 158% $ 25,820.14
RSH Respiri Limited $0.08 157% $ 103.47
TLX Telix Pharmaceutical $25.09 149% $ 8,348.02
CU6 Clarity Pharmaceuticals $4.60 143% $ 1,466.11
LTP LTR Pharma Limited $0.84 140% $ 129.20
ANR Anatara Ls Ltd $0.05 130% $ 10.50
PGC Paragon Care Limited $0.49 118% $ 811.10
ILA Island Pharmaceuticals $0.18 113% $ 30.83
COV Cleo Diagnostics $0.37 109% $ 46.90
AYA Artrya Lmited $0.50 107% $ 45.51
BOT Botanix Pharma Ltd $0.38 97% $ 672.52
REG Regis Healthcare Ltd $6.18 94% $ 1,854.19
OIL Optiscan Imaging $0.16 90% $ 133.65
IMR Imricor Med Systems $1.00 88% $ 201.85
HIQ Hitiq Limited $0.04 82% $ 14.52
SDI SDI Limited $1.19 69% $ 140.86
CAJ Capitol Health $0.39 68% $ 412.89
RAC Race Oncology Ltd $1.39 65% $ 239.72
CC5 Clever Culture $0.02 64% $ 31.68
EBR EBR Systems $0.98 62% $ 356.76
CYP Cynata Therapeutics $0.20 60% $ 45.05
CTE Cryosite Limited $0.85 56% $ 41.49
IDX Integral Diagnostics $2.91 56% $ 683.03
FPH Fisher & Paykel H. $33.60 56% $ 19,752.41
DXB Dimerix Ltd $0.31 51% $ 175.73
ALA Arovella Therapeutic $0.17 48% $ 180.10
GSS Genetic Signatures $0.64 47% $ 143.10
RMD ResMed Inc. $36.91 46% $ 54,013.59
PSQ Pacific Smiles Grp $1.95 42% $ 315.17
TYP Tryptamine Ltd $0.04 42% $ 49.78
NUZ Neurizon Therapeutic $0.17 42% $ 83.62
PEB Pacific Edge $0.14 38% $ 109.61
AHX Apiam Animal Health $0.38 36% $ 67.53
AHC Austco Healthcare $0.27 35% $ 98.30
OPT Opthea Limited $0.70 33% $ 849.45
ANN Ansell Limited $32.81 33% $ 4,767.40
PYC PYC Therapeutics $1.44 32% $ 681.25
IRX Inhalerx Limited $0.04 31% $ 8.11
CMB Cambium Bio Limited $0.39 30% $ 5.18
NOX Noxopharm Limited $0.09 30% $ 26.89
ONE Oneview Healthcare $0.30 28% $ 202.34
SNZ Summerset Grp Hldgs $11.70 27% $ 2,770.85
CSX Cleanspace Holdings $0.42 27% $ 35.48
CBL Control Bionics $0.06 26% $ 14.36
AGN Argenica $0.63 23% $ 80.70
ACL Au Clinical Labs $3.39 21% $ 674.61
TRP Tissue Repair $0.26 18% $ 15.72
PNV Polynovo Limited $1.96 18% $ 1,350.60
DOC Doctor Care Anywhere $0.07 16% $ 26.40
BMT Beamtree Holdings $0.27 15% $ 78.24
ATX Amplia Therapeutics $0.09 14% $ 31.58
GLH Global Health Ltd $0.14 13% $ 7.84
EMV Emvision Medical $1.90 12% $ 157.35
SOM SomnoMed Limited $0.43 11% $ 91.85
ACW Actinogen Medical $0.02 11% $ 76.75
FRE Firebrickpharma $0.05 6% $ 11.35
MAP Microbalifesciences $0.19 6% $ 85.09
VLS Vita Life Sciences $1.78 5% $ 99.77
EBO Ebos Group Ltd $33.19 4% $ 6,424.61
MDR Medadvisor Limited $0.22 2% $ 121.42
OCA Oceania Healthcare $0.67 2% $ 481.61
IMC Immuron Limited $0.08 1% $ 17.87
VFY Vitrafy Life Science $1.70 0% $ 108.54
BB1 Blinklab Limited $0.24 0% $ 14.40
DVL Dorsavi Ltd $0.01 0% $ 8.77
EPN Epsilon Healthcare $0.02 0% $ 7.21
BDX Bcal Diagnostics $0.10 0% $ 34.77
IMM Immutep Ltd $0.34 -1% $ 494.90
COH Cochlear Limited $289.54 -2% $ 18,876.51
CSL CSL Limited $276.47 -2% $ 133,791.23
MVF Monash IVF Group Ltd $1.22 -2% $ 472.43
TRU Truscreen $0.02 -3% $ 10.50
HMD Heramed Limited $0.02 -5% $ 17.33
IDT IDT Australia Ltd $0.10 -7% $ 42.27
LGP Little Green Pharma $0.13 -7% $ 39.37
CMP Compumedics Limited $0.26 -9% $ 46.86
PAR Paradigm Bio. $0.38 -11% $ 147.98
RHT Resonance Health $0.05 -12% $ 24.36
SHL Sonic Healthcare $27.25 -12% $ 13,003.92
AVH Avita Medical $3.75 -13% $ 464.56
AGH Althea Group $0.03 -13% $ 13.78
AT1 Atomo Diagnostics $0.02 -14% $ 12.14
NC6 Nanollose Limited $0.02 -14% $ 3.27
HLS Healius $1.38 -16% $ 991.17
RCE Recce Pharmaceutical $0.45 -17% $ 103.18
MX1 Micro-X Limited $0.09 -17% $ 48.85
IXC Invex Ther $0.07 -17% $ 5.04
ARX Aroa Biosurgery $0.69 -17% $ 236.26
OSL Oncosil Medical $0.01 -18% $ 32.25
NSB Neuroscientific $0.04 -18% $ 4.92
TRJ Trajan Group Holding $1.00 -19% $ 152.26
ALC Alcidion Group Ltd $0.06 -20% $ 79.23
1AI Algorae Pharma $0.01 -20% $ 11.81
IIQ Inoviq Ltd $0.53 -21% $ 59.67
AFP AFT Pharmaceuticals $2.55 -21% $ 267.41
CYC Cyclopharm Limited $1.52 -21% $ 167.82
ATH Alterity Therapeutics $0.01 -21% $ 31.92
NTI Neurotech International $0.05 -22% $ 57.32
UCM Uscom Limited $0.03 -22% $ 8.02
MYX Mayne Pharma Ltd $4.79 -22% $ 385.92
CDX Cardiex Limited $0.09 -22% $ 26.68
ACR Acrux Limited $0.03 -23% $ 12.38
HXL Hexima $0.01 -25% $ 2.17
AVE Avecho Biotech Ltd $0.00 -25% $ 9.51
CUV Clinuvel Pharmaceut. $11.91 -25% $ 592.22
ECS ECS Botanics Holding $0.02 -26% $ 22.03
CGS Cogstate Ltd $1.07 -26% $ 185.70
PIQ Proteomics Int Lab $0.63 -30% $ 82.53
EMD Emyria Limited $0.04 -31% $ 16.58
ZLD Zelira Therapeutics $0.62 -31% $ 7.04
PCK Painchek Ltd $0.03 -31% $ 46.05
RHY Rhythm Biosciences $0.08 -32% $ 23.17
PTX Prescient Ltd $0.04 -32% $ 33.82
NAN Nanosonics Limited $2.96 -33% $ 900.02
RHC Ramsay Health Care $34.43 -33% $ 7,887.35
UBI Universal Biosensors $0.13 -34% $ 37.26
EYE Nova EYE Medical Ltd $0.15 -36% $ 34.36
1AD Adalta Limited $0.02 -36% $ 9.47
4DX 4Dmedical Limited $0.45 -38% $ 185.05
SPL Starpharma Holdings $0.10 -41% $ 41.81
TRI Trivarx Ltd $0.02 -43% $ 7.90
IME Imexhs Limited $0.37 -46% $ 16.69
MVP Medical Developments $0.40 -47% $ 45.06
LDX Lumos Diagnostics $0.04 -47% $ 26.95
IVX Invion Ltd $0.26 -48% $ 18.01
MEM Memphasys Ltd $0.01 -50% $ 10.58
PAB Patrys Limited $0.00 -50% $ 8.23
NEU Neuren Pharmaceut. $12.20 -51% $ 1,567.02
BP8 Bph Global Ltd $0.00 -53% $ 1.51
AVR Anteris Technologies $8.85 -54% $ 318.07
CAN Cann Group Ltd $0.04 -59% $ 20.36
M7T Mach7 Tech Limited $0.33 -59% $ 80.82
VFX Visionflex Group Ltd $0.00 -59% $ 10.07
ICR Intelicare Holdings $0.01 -63% $ 3.90
IPD Impedimed Limited $0.05 -65% $ 103.20
CTQ Careteq Limited $0.01 -66% $ 2.37
RAD Radiopharm $0.02 -67% $ 53.24
IMU Imugene Limited $0.04 -67% $ 267.78
RGT Argent Biopharma Ltd $0.16 -67% $ 8.41
CVB Curvebeam Ai Limited $0.13 -68% $ 48.72
NXS Next Science Limited $0.11 -68% $ 32.14
OSX Osteopore Limited $0.04 -69% $ 4.32
GTG Genetic Technologies $0.04 -70% $ 9.45
VIT Vitura Health Ltd $0.08 -70% $ 44.21
VBS Vectus Biosystems $0.08 -74% $ 4.10
ADR Adherium Ltd $0.01 -78% $ 9.10
CHM Chimeric Therapeutics $0.01 -80% $ 11.03
VTI Vision Tech Inc $0.05 -82% $ 2.70
EOF Ecofibre Limited $0.03 -83% $ 10.24
BIT Biotron Limited $0.02 -84% $ 14.44
PER Percheron $0.01 -87% $ 7.61
ENL Enlitic Inc. $0.06 -93% $ 32.83
IBX Imagion Biosystems $0.02 -95% $ 4.03
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Note: Data to December 20, 2024

Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) was the top performer for the year up 835% (as of December 30). On December 18 Mesoblast announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had finally approved its therapy Ryoncil for paediatric graft-versus-host disease (GvHD).

Apart from a GvHD approval in Japan, this marks the first time one of Mesoblast’s stem cell therapies had been approved after years of trying and is good news for its long-term shareholders.

“It seems like Mesoblast is finally getting there,” Wilkie said.

Radiopharmaceuticals has emerged as one of hottest themes in the sector this year with Clarity Pharmaceuticals (ASX:CU6) a major beneficiary, up 123% (per Dec 30 ASX close).

“Clarity has been a massive outperformer and is almost half of what it is at its peak but still up ~150%,” Wilkie said on December 20.

Another radiopharmaceuticals play, Telix Pharmaceuticals (ASX:TLX) has also had a strong year, up about 145%.

Read > Health Check: Telix CEO gets pay bump as company files for US kidney imaging approval

Wilkie also noted medical imaging software giant ProMedicus (ASX:PME) continues to be a star performer of the ASX healthcare sector. As of Dec 30, it’s sitting on a 169% gain for 2024.

“It’s one of the best stocks on the ASX and hasn’t put a foot wrong,” he said.

“There’s certainty in the forward pipeline and what it’s going to earn as a baseline every year for the next five to seven years.

“The sky won’t fall out of that one and people pay up for that sort of certainty so that’s one of the reasons it gone up plus it won two record contracts in the last year.”

He said another standout this year was pharmaceutical distributor Sigma Healthcare (ASX:SIG) which has risen 162% on its merger with privately owned discount pharmacy chain Chemist Warehouse.

The union, which is set to be formalised in February 2025,  will combine Sigma’s 400-plus pharmacies, under brands Discount Drug Store and Amcal, and its wholesale distribution business (servicing more than 4000 chemists) with Chemist Warehouse’s 600 franchised outlets.

“It’s going to be a very large company with good growth prospects so again people will buy,” Wilkie said.

He said it seems the market has been pivoting to mid to larger companies, which are approved and have revenue.

“There’s a lot less uncertainty towards them and that is what the market has been gravitating towards,” he said.

Percheron among the biggest losers

Percheron Therapeutics (ASX:PER) is among the biggest losers of 2024, falling about 85%.  Percheron announced on December 18 that its phase 2b trial of its lead candidate avicursen (ATL-1102) into non-ambulant (unable to walk unassisted) boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy failed to achieve its primary endpoint, which measured upper limb function at week 25 of treatment, compared with placebo.

“The trial was very disappointing and a clear failure,” Wilkie said.

On the bottom end of the list Wilkie said most are small companies with limited access to capital.

“They’ve been unable to gather any significant support and have dwindled a bit,” he said.

Wilkie said while cheque books appear to be opening up after a couple of years of being shut, investment is still very targeted particularly with institutional investors.

“The money is there but given the volume of requests coming at them they still need to pick and choose,” he said.

“The ones they are choosing either have pretty clear catalyst or likelihood of success as opposed to a raise to keep the lights on.”

Outlook for 2025

Wilkie said it is hard to know what may happen in the ASX and global healthcare markets in 2025 and all eyes maybe on the new US administration.

“We will see what happens in January when Trump takes office, what changes are made and how quickly,” Wilkie said.

“Ultimately, the outlook particularly for the smaller end in healthcare is interest rates and the other day dulled a bit with the US Federal Reserve taking a more hawkish stand.

“But as long as interest rates are trending down then it should be supportive of markets.”

Wilkie said Morgans was focusing more on companies which had good access to capital and a reasonable likelihood of success.

“We will happily keep to that script which is less risky than the boom or bust which we’ve seen with the likes of Percheron,” he said.

The views, information, or opinions expressed in the interview in this article are solely those of the interviewee and do not represent the views of Stockhead.

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