Release Date: January 17, 2025
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
Q: Could you provide more details about your GPU as a service offering and its integration with your cloud services? What demand are you seeing for this service? A: We are extending our existing cloud platform, Cloud Infinite, to support GPUs. We are conducting a few proof-of-concept trials with Indian enterprises. The market is still nascent, but there is growing interest, particularly in the BFSI and manufacturing sectors. However, it's too early to predict growth.
Q: Can you update us on your data center capacity, including operational centers and future expansions? A: We have 120 megawatts of installed capacity, with 110 megawatts contracted. We operate 12 facilities across six cities. Two new facilities, each with 26 megawatts, will go live soon. Additionally, four facilities in Mumbai are under development and expected to be operational by the end of the year.
Q: There was significant growth in SG&A this quarter. Is this a one-time increase or a new baseline for modeling? A: The current SG&A level is a good baseline for future modeling. We are strengthening our leadership team across businesses, so this level will likely continue.
Q: What caused the loss in digital services this quarter? A: The loss is due to a change in revenue mix and investments in leadership and technology teams. We are focusing on upskilling and reskilling to prepare for future opportunities, which may require further investment in the coming quarters.
Q: What is driving the strong growth in network services, and do you expect it to continue? A: Growth is driven by investments in wired line infrastructure over the past two years, now paying off. We have expanded our network in 17 cities and will continue to densify. Increased digitalization and potential AI workloads are also driving demand, and we expect this growth to continue.
For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.
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