Barton finds high-grade silver at Tolmer alongside its gold hits

The Market Herald

Barton Gold Holdings Ltd (ASX:BGD) has been able to prove the existence of silver in the Tolmer mineralised system, via recent assays taken from this prospect – which is part of the wider Tarcoola gold project in South Australia.

Grades up to 83.6 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold and 312 g/t of silver in quartz veining were discovered within assays that had been taken from the company’s expanded reverse circulation (RC) drilling program run from May to July 2024.

The high-grade silver was found in Tolmer’s supergene zone, as well as in primary gold-sulphide veins, connected to lead and zinc.

Intercepts included two metres at 0.35 g/t Au and 124 g/t Ag from 62 metres, including one metre at 180 g/t Ag; and one metre at 2.16 g/t Au and 241 g/t Ag from 79 metres.

The company also noted the yielding of strong results from a 2000-metre program of aircore (AC) drilling along strike of RC gold assays picked up between May and July at Tolmer, with the recent numbers including up to 3g/t of gold.

“We are excited to report new multi-element assays which confirm that high-grade silver is also present in the new Tolmer gold system, with silver grades up to 312 g/t Ag associated with gold grades up to 83.6 g/t Au,” Managing director Alexander Scanlon said.

“High-grade silver could benefit any potential future mining at Tolmer and may indicate a potential source of high-grade blending feed for the neighbouring Tunkillia Gold Project, which also carries a significant silver credit.

“Near-surface lead anomalies also appear to be a useful drill targeting guide for gold and silver in the Tarcoola region.”

The company has now started a follow-up RC drilling program at Tolmer.

Barton has been trading at 26.5 cents.

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